Anti-Electoral College Bills

So far this year, 5 state legislatures have had bills to set up an inter-state compact of states that will promise to choose presidential electors who will vote for the winner of the national popular vote. The bills in California and Louisiana are the only ones still alive. The California bill, AB 2948, passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee on May 17, with all Democrats voting “yes” and all Republicans voting “no”. It will probably pass the Assembly on May 25.

Similar bills are likely to be introduced in New York this week, and several other states next week.


Anti-Electoral College Bills — 7 Comments

  1. As some one other than an Establishment lackey, Don Lake thinks this is a key in the 21st Century American reform movement and the ongoin work ‘for a more perfect union’.

    If you have opinions on such, plz contact Bill Greenwood, Reform Party of Rhode Island activist and executive editor of the Reform Party USA monthly print news letter via

  2. the Electoral College is vital to American liberty.

    The founding fathers intended the power to elect the president to belong to the States.

    This is essential, if we wish to retain a REPUBLIC with separation of powers.

    Federal power is already out of control.

    James Madison would roll in his grave, if he heard about an attempt to eliminate the Electoral College, especially during a time of excessive centralization of corrupt federal power.

  3. As usual, this reform just reinforces the winner-take-all aspect of our electoral system. Would it be so hard to dole out electoral college seats proportionally?

  4. I am not sure how corrupt Federal power has anything to do with the Electoral college and our present voting system. These “anti-Electoral College” bills in each state would still a matter of each state deciding how to distribute its electoral votes. So the electoral college doesn’t go away and each state keeps its power to elect the president the way it wishes. It just makes the electors vote in a certain way and not the “state winner” take all. Nebraska and Maine already have a non-“state winner take all” electoral distribution.

  5. Why do all of you have a problem with what a plurality of the American People decide?

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