Wisconsin Preparations Already Being Made for Recall of Governor Scott Walker

Wisconsin has the recall for state officers, but says no one can be recalled until at least one year after he or she took office. Governor Scott Walker is already the object of a recall attempt, even though the petition can’t start to circulate until January 3, 2012. An anti-Walker web page says already 149,000 people have signed a pledge to sign the petition, as soon as it can circulate. The petition will need about 540,000 signatures. See this story.

In the meantime, recall petitions are circulating now for half the Wisconsin State Senate. Senators have four year terms and half of them are subject to recall petitioning now. Both Democratic and Republican State Senators are the target.


Wisconsin Preparations Already Being Made for Recall of Governor Scott Walker — 23 Comments

  1. What a hard lesson to have learned.
    Wisconsin has shown a united front now —keep it up!
    Our prayers for you all –the truth shall make you free. Unions have been fought for too long to loose.
    –a retired, second generation teacher, Jo-Ann Brow

  2. Both Democratic and Republican State Senators are the target.

    I’ve never seen any mention of a democrat being part of the recall(s). Every media mention I’ve seen seems to suggest that only republicans are the targets.


  3. What genius-MORONS dreamed up the 1 year restriction ???

    ALL govt officials are the SERVANTS — the sovereign Electors-Voters being the MASTERS.

    i.e. get rid of any and all of the party hacks on day 1 in office if they act NUTS.

  4. We are forever grateful Fab 14 for their unprecedented show of support for the workers of Wisconsin.

    Critics need to learn the difference between “WALKING OUT” and “running & hiding.”

    These 14 are HEROES for the nation who made history and will never be forgotten.

  5. What a joke, recall the 14 democrats that ranaway to another state and failed to do their job. They are paid to vote and be the voice for their constituents and that cannot be done if they are not there.

    If I skipped out on my job for three weeks, I would be fired so fast!

  6. Our famous Civil War Eagle-OLD ABE- that led the Wisconsin Union troops into many Civil War battles, would make a great mascot for Wisconsin citizens now fighting fothe rights of Wisconsin workers.

  7. If the 14 Democrats thought their cause was just, they should have stuck around for the vote. All they did was postpone the same outcome. I beg to differ on the term “walking out”. They left the state and disappeared.
    If you lose, take it like a man, not a whimpering baby. I’m sorry, this is conduct unbecoming a senator.

  8. The demonstrators did $6,000,000 in damage to the legislature. The Dems hid out for three weeks. The unions are threatening business people. What is wrong with Wisconsin? The people elected Scott Walker to solve the budget problem and now you want to return to the Dems. No way.

  9. Doesn’t sound accurate Eugene, the 6 million dollars sounds like a number FOx News made up, just like the 200 million dollar trip Obama made to India which was proven false..lol As for Scott walker resolving the budget issue, I think a lot of people agree that Wisconsin has a budget issue, the problem with it is the way walker pushed this bill through and the fake call really hurt Walker big time. He completely exposed him on the real reasons he’s going after the unions.

  10. If you support corporate elite, you will recall democrats. If you support working families, you will recall republicans. If you support privatized schools, you will recall democrats. If you support public schools, you will recall republicans.

  11. Just take the monetary language out of the recall and pass it by simple majority. Isn’t that how the Rethugs did it?

  12. The damage was actually placed by Walker at more like $7.5 million! But after review, was revised to $350,000. Not a trivial sum, but not quite the lie Walker put forth. No official estimate was even performed. So Walker must have pulled that estimate from the same place he has his head. Here’s a link: http://bit.ly/h5MwKS. But, I have to say I actually agree with the 1 year requirement on recall. You never know how a “cooling off” period can help rectify problems. At the same time, if he does get recalled next year, even his most ardent supporters will have to come to terms with the fact that he picked the wrong fight.

  13. Wisconsin is lucky we have a recall process. The poor citizens of Florida have no process to recall their governor.

  14. KP – Nothing was proven false regarding the India trip unless you call no information given to be proof..

    And I would think that with all of that Union support, Jo-Ann, you kept your job as a teacher even though you’re incapable of spelling the word “lose” correctly. You should LOSE, not loose, your job when you are incompetent however Unions have “fought for too long” for morons like you to keep your jobs.

  15. I tend to agree with Josh. The 14 Democratic senators did fail to do their jobs. And these clowns, as well as the state-worshiping union thugs are being celebrated as “heroes?!”

    Frankly, these state services affected should either be privatized or abolished.

  16. Again – abolish the gerrymander U.S.A. Senate.

    Divide all larger States with major left/right stuff.

    The economic rational States will survive

    — the insane econ States will collapse — see the ex-U.S.S.R. 1917-1991.

    P.R. and App.V.

  17. Pingback: Wisconsin Librarians’ March Merges with Tractorcade | Flucking News

  18. Throw them all out, but excuse me for not feeling sorry for the overcompensated, self-entitled government apparatchiki and their elected whores in the Assembly and Senate. They’re just statist foot soldiers that primarily serve to screw WI taxpayers. But most of them are simply too stupid to know it (note that “education” degree-holders score at the bottom of every standardized test). In the U.S., we task our dumbest higher-ed grads with educating our children. If only we could recall every government employee with an “education” degree…

  19. The union workers are in it for the money – the kids education is irrelevant. Unions are a legal socialistic institution right under our noses. Throwing out the unions is the best thing that ever happened. I am tired of paying taxes to feed people who suck off the tit off the american worker.

  20. Recall the state workers in unions. They are the ones bankrupting the state and America.
    Remember who your employers are.
    The unions have been allowed, without their true employers’ permission, to reduce their job descriptions to the point that we are paying more for less work. These employees no longer fear their employers — that would be us — and refuse to fully understand who they work for. It is not the federal, state, county, city, town or village; you work for us, the taxpaying citizens.
    We are fed up, go away.
    And a teacher that can’t spell? We need more of you to teach our kids, oops we do have more of you.

  21. ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymanders in ALL 50 State regimes.

    The party hack special interest gangs nominate lots of left/right extremist robots in the gerrymander district primaries.

    The party hack robots then win in the rigged gerrymander districts and claim to have 100 percent of the power — especially in their EVIL behind closed doors meetings — under the control of a party hack dictator — aka Speaker, Majority Leader.

    NOTHING new since 1776.

    Since statism infected the U.S.A. in 1917 in World War I, the party hack robots have been on the march — especially since 1929 — 82 years and counting.

    Blame the MORON media for its lack of attention about minority rule gerrymander math — half the votes in half the gerrymander districts = about 25 percent minority rule — by the EVIL party hack Donkeys/Elephants.

    Before 1964 the math was much EVIL worse — circa 10 percent minority rule in many States — rural versus cities.

    See the FALL of the Roman Republic in 120 B.C to 27 B.C. — due to the special interest gang ROT in the R.R.

    Deja Vu — all over again ??? Duh.

  22. The statistics speak volumes: the democrats are more than willing to show how many signatures have already been collected for the possible recall of 8 GOP state senators.

    The GOP is completely mum on it’s side. This means that the GOP has no good news to report.

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