Another Badge Bill for Petitioners Advances in California

On May 3, the California Senate Elections Committee passed SB 448. The three Democrats voted “yes” and the two Republicans voted “No.” The bill says that anyone circulating an initiative, referendum or recall petition must wear a badge. If the circulator is being compensated, it must say the circulator is being paid. If the circulator is not being paid, it must say “volunteer.” It also says the badge must name the California county in which the circulator is registered. If the circulator is not registered to vote, the badge must say that. The badge must be worn on the chest and must by clearly visible, with 30-point type.

In 2008 the 9th circuit ruled in Nader v Brewer that states cannot bar out-of-state circulators. That was an Arizona case, but is binding on all the states of the 9th circuit, including California. SB 448 seems to assume that all circulators in California will never been registered to vote in another state.

This bill should not be confused with AB 481, which also requires all circulators to wear a badge indicating paid or volunteer, but which says nothing about the circulator’s registration status.

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