Libertarian, Green Parties File Motion for Summary Judgment to Valid Maryland Petitions

On May 20, the Green Party and the Libertarian Party filed this Motion for Summary Judgment to obtain a court ruling that they each are qualified parties in Maryland. The case is Libertarian Party of Maryland et al v Maryland State Board of Elections, circuit court, Anne Arundel County, 02-c-11-160371.

State law requires 10,000 signatures for each of these parties to re-qualify for the 2012 and 2014 elections. Elections officials have already identified over 10,000 registered voters on each party’s petition. However, these election officials don’t believe either petition has 10,000 signatures that they are permitted to recognize. The Board of Elections excluded voters whose names were not an exact match (missing middle initials, nicknames, etc.). Also excluded are instances at which a registered voter signed the petition twice, once without the missing middle initial, and once including the missing middle initial. The brief argues that it is not rational to exclude both the hyper-correct signature as well as the technically-incomplete signature. The parties don’t want both signatures to count, but they say certainly one of them should count.


Libertarian, Green Parties File Motion for Summary Judgment to Valid Maryland Petitions — 3 Comments

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  2. These parties need to break free from the dead-end hegemonic discourse:
    “Nietzsche predicted that it would be well into the 21st century before Western thought fully confronted the crisis of nihilism. It would thus far appear that he was correct. Western thought since the Enlightenment has attempted to compensate for the loss of the old faith by replacing the discredited Christian worldview with new faiths and new pieties. As these have become increasingly difficult to justify within a framework of rationality and a belief in inevitable “progress,” Western intellectuals have increasingly retreated into the irrational. This is illustrated by the curious phenomena of the present efforts by Western intellectual elites to embrace postmodernism, with its accompanying moral and cultural relativism, while simultaneously embracing the egalitarian-universalist-humanist moralistic zealotry popularly labeled “political correctness” and espousing with great piousness such liberal crusades as “human rights,” “anti-racism,” “gay liberation,” feminism, environmentalism and the like. Such an outlook, which combines extreme moralism in the cultural and political realm, complete moral relativism in the philosophical or metaphysical realm, and at times even falls into subjectivism in the epistemological realm, is fundamentally irrational, of course. That such an outlook has become so deeply entrenched indicates that Western intellectuals are desperately working to avoid a full confrontation with the crisis of nihilism.”

    “Pareto argued that civilizations die when their elites lose faith in their own civilization to such a degree that the will to survive no longer exists. Western political and cultural elites presently exhibit abiding contempt for the legacy of their civilization, as demonstrated by their attachment to anti-Western ideologies such as “multiculturalism” and support for political policies, such as permitting mass immigration into the West from the Third World, that ultimately mean the demographic overrun and death of Western civilization. The presumption of present day elites is that dramatic demographic alteration can transpire without consequences of significance, or that the overthrow of Western civilization itself may even be desirable. The prevalence of such attitudes once again indicates that cultural nihilism has become rather deeply entrenched. Yet this nihilism has been thus far masked by liberal-humanist platitudes of escalating silliness.”

    I should add that they need to become serious about an environmentalism which is something more than ritualistic status-signalling and moral posturing. This necessarily entails a commitment to zero population growth. ZPG is necessary precondition for a sustainability program that is not a farce. See Al Bartlett’s website for many articles and videos on this point:

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