Missouri Bill Advances, Would Require Presidential Nominees of Parties to Furnish Birth Certificate

On February 28, the Missouri House gave preliminary approval to HB 1046. The bill had passed the Rules Committee on March 8. It still hasn’t passed the House on third reading. It requires political parties to provide copies of birth certificates for their nominees for President and Vice-President. It also requires birth certificates for declared write-in presidential candidates. Oddly, it does not require birth certificates for independent presidential candidates. See this story. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for this news.


Missouri Bill Advances, Would Require Presidential Nominees of Parties to Furnish Birth Certificate — No Comments

  1. What about the video of the live birth on verifiable American soil? The time lapse photographs of the baby growing through the years? Any specifications (in feet and inches) of how long the long form birth certificate should be? Does the bill apply only candidates of WASP heritage, or only to people with dark skin, and/or funny sounding names, and/or progressive political tendencies? Clearly this law has no real teeth to it.

    Hmmm…perhaps it’s being advanced for the sake of some other, undisclosed political purposes?

    Did ALEC draft this one?


    Feds refuse to release Obama draft docs to Sheriff Joe

    Arizona lawman’s team believes registration fraudulent

    The Selective Service System has declined Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s request to see the original copy of Barack Obama’s Selective Service registration form.

    Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigating Obama’s eligibility announced at a March 1 press conference that it believes there is probable cause that the registration is fraudulent.

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    A three-sentence March 22 letter written on behalf of Selective Service Director Lawrence G. Romo, however, dismissed the request.

    “This Agency has no evidence that President Obama’s 1980 registration is not authentic,” wrote Richard S. Flahavan, associate director of public & intergovernmental affairs

    Apparently refusing to take seriously Arpaio’s investigation, Flahavan referred the sheriff to the FBI.

    Take advantage of a fantastic deal! Purchase the hardcover of “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” and get the updated e-book version of “Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate?” absolutely free – at the WND Superstore!

    “However, if you have any credible evidence to the contrary and believe that a Federal crime has been committed, we suggest that it be turned over immediately to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to pursue,” Flahavan said.

    In response, Arpaio yesterday sent a second letter to Romo, requesting clarification.

    “If your office has the original, authentic Selective Service registration form for Barack Obama from July 29, 1980, please indicate whether or not you are in possession of this document,” Arpaio wrote.

    “If the document is in your possession, please make it available for inspection by my Sheriff’s Office investigators. We will travel to your facility to analyze it.”

    Apraio gave Romo 10 days to respond.

    “Given the clarity and brevity of these requests, we would appreciate your direct response within ten business days of your receipt of this letter, since we are continuing our investigation,” Arpaio said.

    Arpaio charges forgery

    In his March 1 press conference in Phoenix, Arpaio, together with lead investigator Mike Zullo, charged that in addition to the long-form birth certificate released by the White House on April 27, Obama’s Selective Service registration form is also a forged document.

    Arpaio and Zullo came to the conclusion after comparing a copy of Obama’s form to copies of several others known to be authentic. Some were submitted from the same Post Office as Obama’s, Makiki Station in Honolulu, and in the same month and year, July 1980.


  3. Truefoe

    I think that is going in the correct direction. The
    Political Partys should be venting the candidates.
    We should be asking for the certified birth certificate
    from the candidates to pass on to the different state
    elections officials.

    In the case of the American Independent Party of CAlifornia, third largest qualified party in California
    with an electors list on January 3, 2012 of 428,560 electors, we require more proof. Because of the MINOR
    CASE, before the United States Supreme Court in 1875,
    We also require proof that at the time of birth the
    parents were United States Citizens and married to each

    There is a problem with birth certificates generated
    in Hawai’i, they are to easy to obtain. I know in excess of fifth-eight persons that were not born in the
    Hawai’i Islands. I also no of hundreds of persons that
    were born in Hawai’i that do not have Hawaiian Birth
    Certificates. I was the agent for 176 persons that were
    born in Hawai’i to Natural Born United States Citizen
    Parents that just do not have Hawai’i birth certificates.

    In the case of Barack H. Obama II, he was born on the
    island Mombasa in the Indian Ocean on August 4, 1961.
    He had one United States Citizen parant, viz., his
    mother named Stanley Ann D. Obama.

    His mother departed Mombasa with her son Barack H. Obama
    II aboard the ship S.S. Uganda on August 28, 1961. She
    arrived with the infant BHO II at Tilbury Docks, Port
    of London, England on September 20, 1961. She and the
    baby flew from London to Montreal, Canada on a B.O.A.C.
    aircraft and transfered on to an other flight to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. From there she
    took the baby across the bordor without a lawful entry
    into Washington State and started classes at the University of Washington Extension at Seattle on September 25, 1961. Bottom line Barack H. Obama II
    did not arrive in Hawai’i until the summer of 1962.

    For John S. McCain III he was born on the Island Colon at the Colon Hospital on August 29, 1936. His parents
    were not married to each other at anytime prior to
    that birth. The Act of August 4, 1937 was not in effect
    at the time of his birth. He did not even meet the
    citizenship requirement under that act, viz. section 2
    of that act, because his United States Citizen mother
    at the time of his birth was not employed by the United
    States Government nor the Panama Railroad Company or its successor in title. John S. McCain II was just a
    punative father, and could not pass citizenship on to
    John S. McCain III, because he and Roberta Wright were
    never married in Baja CAlifornia as they claim.

    Now we have a United States Citizen named Mitt Romney,
    but he did not have a United States Citizen Father
    at the time of his birth. His father George was born
    in Mexico in 1907. He came to the United States
    in 1910 as a three year old and was never naturalized
    a United States Citizen. George Romney’s father, was
    naturalized a citizen of Mexico, in the 19th Century.
    Also the so-called 1895 purported marriage between
    George Romney parents was a church wedding and not
    a civil wedding as require by the Mexican State where
    the parents of George Romney lived in Mexico. Under
    the terms of the United States – Mexico Treaties and
    the Hague Convention of Nationality of 1930, which were
    signed by both the United States and Mexico, George
    Romney was a citizen of Mexico at birth only.
    Therefore, Mitt Romney while being a citizen of the United States at birth was not a natural born citizen
    of the United States within the mean of the Constitution of the United States.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Chairman, American Independent Party of California.

  4. Place of birth is totally irrelvant.

    Nation-State ALLEGIANCE of father is inherited by the new born child.

    How many birth certificates list such nation-state allegiance ???

    What regime had the first birth certificates ???

    Naturalization = change in nation-state allegiance.

    See the uniform oath that new naturalized U.S.A. citizens take before getting their naturalizaton papers signed by a Fed judge.

    Such oath was taken by the older relatives of most of the LEGAL folks in the U.S.A. — i.e. earlier ALLEGIANCE oaths by the 1776 generation in the original States.

    See the Dark Age allegiance oaths taken by 12 year old males in jolly olde England — the feudal regime.

    Of course, for New Age one world statists, any ALLEGIANCE stuff is passe and obsolete.

    Is Civil WAR II about to happen ??? Statist control freaks versus Tax/Saver slaves ???

  5. Good article Hon MP Richard Winger [Libertarian], Missouri is THE state in 2012.

    I really like Missouri ever since I won the Missouri state Libertarian Party primary February 7th, 2012 with 52.7% of the total votes cast, according to the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office of Elections.

    We are hopeful that we can capture the interest of Hon Mark Seidenberg [American Independent], a very smart and gifted man, because American Independent voters are more diverse than most people can imagine, him included.

    United we stand, and divided we fall, and the USA Parliament is a tool for uniting all.

    We’re kicking off a big voter registration drive on 4/20/2012, and all parties, independents, both voters and non voters are invited to participate with no roadblocks.

    Hope you like it, be sure to sign up in case your name is not already elected or nominated.

    James O. Ogle [Free Parliamentary]*

    (*Actually registered a Libertarian Party member, advocating for more liberty to self-categorize without penalty, as well as the traditional Libertarian Party philosophy of the non-initiation of force, smaller government and more liberty all around. And Hon Gary Johnson for president is on OUR team too.)

    Join the Frees,
    Opposite gender #1!
    (with consecutively alternating genders thereafter)

    “Why do you THINK they called it Google?”

  6. Clarification; My name James O. Ogle won 52.7% of the votes in the Missouri US presidential primary last February 7th, 2012.

    The vote was a non-binding vote and the only state primary in the USA that I know of which allowed both Libertarian Party presidential candidates and which occurred before the May 2-5 Libertarian Party national convention in Las Vegas.

    Hope to see you there!

    –James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]

    I am a candidate for US President, so I can be elected as Vice President on a woman’s ticket. Those on my team are; Diane Templin [American Independent], Gina Zenzola [Green], Miss Joy Waymire [Libertarian], Tiffany Briscoe [Independent], Tina Cook [Independent] and Roseanne Barr [Green Tea].

  7. 3 –

    Thanks for the input. I agree with you that political parties should be “venting” their candidates, particularly the Republican Party. Even copious quantities of hair spray doesn’t seem to be enough to mask the lingering smell of racism.

    2 –

    Did Sheriff Joe used to be Joe the Plumber? Just wonderin’.

  8. forwarded message from Carl Swensson GA GOP Clayton County chair

    Sent this using his (Boehner) contact form found here: http://www.freedomproject.org/contact
    Use as you see fit…

    Dear John Boehner,

    As a Chairman for my County’s Republican Party I have to face my members each day and give them my take on events that occur within your control in DC. This has become almost impossible to do since you, as the House Republican Leader, have refused to act in our best interest and are unresponsive to our requests for redress.

    The biggest example of this is one monumental problem that you continue to refuse to deal with. The on-going investigation of fraud and forgery (now known as “ForgeryGate”) initiated by thousands of Americans in 09 and formally investigated by AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio, culminating in his press release on March 1, 2012. Having been to your DC office and having hand delivered Citizen Grand Jury Presentments and evidence of the crimes being committed by and through the White House occupant, to your Staff, back in 2009, there is now no doubt that you are and have been complicit in a massive cover-up of this Constitutional crisis. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand exactly why your cohorts are doing this. There is no doubt left in the minds of over half of America that the U.S. House of Representatives is part and parcel of the Domestic, Terrorist, foreign and alien form of government now being forced on America. There can be no other answer when reasonable, logical minded Citizens come to you and ask for resolution to be brought to the House floor concerning B. Obama’s eligibility to hold office. As the GOP leader in the house, this responsibility has and remains squarely on your shoulders. Now don’t go getting all teary eyed when We The People rise en masse to do what you refuse to.., it won’t help. You cast your vote on this issue long ago and it was a decidedly Anti-Constitutional and Anti-American one at that. So let me be as this Congress refuses to be.., clear. There’s a revolution brewing in the hearts and minds of Americans and there’s an enemy that is the focus of that revolution. You sir, are that enemy, along with every other, already identified, co-conspirator in DC and the government run Media.

    This is what concerns the people, like my fellow GOP members, right now, so if you plan on finding or utilizing some escape route from America you should know this. Treason has no expiration date and those that are now, like you, guilty of this, will find no safe harbor just as your war on terror dictates that those terrorists you’ve labeled as such have none.

    May I suggest an easy read for you? Try the Declaration of Independence and pay particular attention to the reasons our founders went to war in the first place. By merely substituting your foreign and alien government friends for the King, I think you’ll realize just how big a problem you now have. Resolution now can only be found by fertilizing the “Tree of Liberty” since the elected and appointed in DC are unwilling to do what they are put in their/your position to do. You took an Oath and are now in clear violation of it so we are left to assume that your lack of compliance with that Oath means your fellow conspirators feel comfortable that you can beat back any attempt by America to restore this Nation to its Constitutional Republic roots. The Jury (American Citizens) are deliberating this as I type so if you get a chance to read this understand what I’m saying. Your only salvation is to come clean and quick or get right with God because he will be the only one left to offer you any forgiveness.

    Your current, GOP inspired soft brand of Communism or the Left’s hard brand will not be tolerated for very much longer before the powder keg ignites and a new form of the Boston Tea Party begins. We understand your allegiance is now with the Globalist Banking Cartel and your end game is the destruction (semi-orderly) of American independence coupled with the financial slavery of future generations to this entity. Nice company you’ve been keeping…

    I do want to thank you for being one of the main reasons We the People have been re-arming. The clear and present danger is you sir and your buds who continue to run cover for the putative POTUS while laying waste to the Constitution. Our Constitution.

    In closing I’d like to offer an option for you. Contact me with your heartfelt apology, followed immediately by a full blown Congressional investigation into the sealed records of this alleged usurper, BHO. I will make sure that the message is spread far and wide that redress does still exist in this Nation and the wheels of Justice have been set in motion to accomplish it, by your action. Short of that, have a nervous day and sleepless nights while awaiting the shoe to drop as it most assuredly will and if your advisors have been informing you of some, soon to come, cataclysm that will eliminate all this righteous indignation that is boiling over from affecting you, think again. There are, many times over, more of us than there are of you.


    Carl A Swensson
    Clayton County (GA) GOP Chairman

  9. “Oh wow… this thread is nuttier than squirrel shit!”

    Like all birthers, lol

  10. Though 115.327 does reference 115.399.

    It would be a lot simpler if it were the presidential candidate was the one who filed. In the case of party candidates, they would include permission by the political party to associate the party with the candidacy.

  11. 11 –

    Swensson doesn’t sound like an American name to me. How about you? As if it weren’t bad enough that a foreign, halfbreed Negro terrorist cell managed to sneak one of theirs into our White House, now the goddamned Swedes are arming themselves for insurrection under the guise of defending our Constitution. Next thing you know we’ll all be made to buy health insurance at IKEA and force fed meatballs for breakfast.

    Oh worry…what’s this country coming to?

  12. legal notice regarding natural born citizen POTUS/CINC eligibility requirement better identification of friend vs. foe

    to all foreign lobbyist / foreign corporate loyalists / and their ilk including silly foggy-bowed individuals posting on this ballot access web-site and all other related invasives seeking foreign international control of US (United States) election process and especially foreign (non-natural born citizen control of the American DOD (Department of Defense) and other CINC/POTUS executive department assets.

    — apparently all of this is wrapped up in BO’s eligibility documentation including BC and Selective Service record fraud and are the but the most recent continuation of the original colonial tea taxation imposed by Britain.

    As Benjamin Franklin said, ‘We have given you a democratic-republic… if you can keep it.”

  13. As the delegates left the building, a Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got?”

    With no hesitation, Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Not a democracy, not a democratic republic. But “a republic, if you can keep it.”

  14. 14 –

    “and all other related invasives seeking foreign international control of US (United States)”

    So… your contention is that BHO is what…? A Kudzu bush? An Asian carp?

    Man, why didn’t you just say that in the first place? At least that assertion is fact-based paranoia.

    But…do Asian carp have any kind of birth certificates?

    Am I talking crazy enough yet for you to understand what I’m saying, or do I need to cross my eyes and whistle show tunes while I type? Please be honest.

  15. See *allegiance* in the last paragraph of the 1776 DOI.

    New Age MORONS only have *allegiance* to STATISM — ALL power to the STATE — to dictate whatever leftwing / rightwing scheme is in vogue at the moment.

  16. Republics –
    Democratic – i.e. indirect majority rule
    Oligarchial – i.e. minority rule of 2 but less than a majority
    Monarchial – i.e. minority rule of 1 — Think Stalin/Hitler.

    Gee – which is the type referred to in Const. Art. IV, Sec. 4 ???

    The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government ***

    How many New Age constitutional law MORONS are there in the U.S.A. at the moment ??? — besides ALL 9 on SCOTUS ???

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