
Law Commission of India Recommends that Independent Candidates Not be Permitted — 12 Comments

  1. India has a GIANT gerrymander system in one house of the national Parliament (due to the ROT of the ex-British rule in India) —

    all sorts of minority rule winners.

    ALL sorts of symbols (plants, animals, math, etc.) on ballots for illiterate voters.

  2. Geez what a great idea! Perhaps limiting the ballot to only the Congress party would be yet another great idea! You just gotta love democracy!

  3. Just shows how far these people have got to come to understand what democratic elections mean. But seriously, don’t be too surprised before such nonsense will be introduced into the United States. I would assume that in most states it is easier for a Independent candidate to get on the ballot – especially for local office – than a 3rd party candidate. So naturally, go for the easiest system which threatens the Establishment. Independents – even those who don’t want to have any contact with a party entity – should at least learn how to work together temporarily in caucuses so as not to nominate too many Independents for the same office – thereby diluting the Independent voter.

  4. Again, these people do not have appreciation for the value of the individual. They have lived, packed liked sardines in a can, and have no conception of what it is for a person to have a idea for person to speak out on the many issues which results in the betterment of the whole. Culture speaks loudly, and too often overrules what we think of as Christian values in dealing with an issue. To many of these people the values of their dominating religion is superior to Christian teaching.

    Christianity has made great efforts to bring these people out of the caste system they lived in for so long. They still bring their values with them to the United States with their silly garb and painted dots on their foreheads. Need a cheap motel, they are usually the ones who are the manager. They run them as cheaply as possible. 1 or 2 paper-thin towels for drying off after a shower. I had students tell me that the management would come in on them early in the morning, as they were getting dressed, asking when if they were checking out. These people do not have the ability to assimilate into American society and think like Americans. We are being overwhelmed with their population as badly as we are the illegal aliens from the South. I pity the composition of the population of the United States in 50 years. There will not longer be anything resembling a Judeo-Christian Society which our Founding Fathers build out nation on.

  5. International Parliament

    Political Philosophy Minister Dr. Jean-Yves Metayer-Robbes [Social Democrat] elected on 3/7/2015
    Ambassador Minister Jonah Bolt [One] elected on 3/13/2015
    Indigenous Ambassador and Earth Emissary Minister Tuvasana Soma-Hank [One] elected on 3/13/2015

    MIP Dr. Jean-Yves Metayer-Robbes [Social Democrat] France elected on 3/7/2015
    MIP Arvind Kumar Sharma [Cabinet Minister] India elected on 3/13/2015
    MIP Alwin Roland [Diplomatic Mission] India elected on 3/13/2015
    (MIP=Member of International Parliament)
    * * *

  6. No, I didn’t have to read the “report” and was not going to waste my time reading some foreign legalese to bar Independent candidates. You’ve got to to understand, these people do not think in the Anglo-American mindset like you and I do. They are steeped in their traditions and such is hard to break. It may take generations of a couple of hundred of years before you could get them to act and think like traditional Americans. We can’t change what they look like, but time can change what they think like. When they demonstrate in their native India that they have changed, then and only then can we trust them to be real friends. Those generations will have to die off before that will happen. Hopefully the generations born in the mid 2000 years who live here will think and have mannerisms like real Americans

  7. (1) It is not in legalese. It is in English.

    (2) India’s electoral system is based on Britain’s.

    (3) Are you affiliate with the Alabama Independence Party?

  8. (1) Legalize is language not commonly understood by the average person.

    (2) Anything akin to the British law is Anathema to United States law and should be avoided at all times.

    (3) I am not a member or an organization know as the Alabama Independence Party.

  9. How much *common law* is in all/most of the States — derived from the DARK AGE English regime — even in the State of AL ???

    Common law is now mostly related to torts and contracts — civil injuries — getting civil actions.

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