Kentucky Republican Gubernatorial Nominee Voted for Constitution Party Presidential Candidate in 2004

Kentucky holds a gubernatorial election on November 3, 2015. The Republican nominee is Matt Bevin. According to this story, some time ago Bevin told various people that he voted for Michael Peroutka for President in 2004. Peroutka was the Constitution Party nominee.


Kentucky Republican Gubernatorial Nominee Voted for Constitution Party Presidential Candidate in 2004 — 4 Comments

  1. Not much of a story. Ron Paul voted CP for president in 2012. Chalk it up to “slow news day”.

  2. Unless he faces a extreme or incompetent opponent, he likely won’t win the Governorship.

    BTW, as a man who is anti-Mormon and a advocate for establishing a theocracy in this country- Peroutka was a poor choice as a candidate for those that support the U.S. Constitution.

  3. Actually, Matt Bevin’s opponent, Jack Conway, IS an incompetent opponent, and the polls show Bevin ahead.

    Jack Conway was the Democratic nominee against Rand Paul for Senate in 2010, and his main argument against Paul was that during college, Paul “forced” his girlfriend to “worship aqua buddha” during a college drinking party. All it showed was that Rand Paul had a sense of humor, was a typical college student, and wasn’t as colorless as his father was. It also showed that Conway didn’t have anything serious on Paul.

    All Bevin really needs to do is explain that Conway is a graduate of Duke University, and all the University of Kentucky fans (that’s most of the state) will vote against him. However, he is actually trying to run a campaign on the issues, pointing out that on many issues, Conway doesn’t say where he stands or what he will do.

    Conway’s primary opponent, Geoffrey M. Young, has a lawsuit against Conway trying to nullify the primary results due to the fact that Democratic Party rules require the party officials to be neutral during the primary, and they were very partisan towards Conway. (See ) This opponent got 21% of the vote even though he had no name recognition and spent only about $5000 to Conway’s one million dollars.

    Another thing that will affect Attorney General Conway is that the elected County Clerk in Casey County is refusing to give out gay wedding licenses. If Conway presses charges against him, he will go against the 72% of Kentuckians who voted for the marriage amendment.

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