Nevada Will Accept Rocky De La Fuente Petition Despite Technical Violation

On July 27, the Nevada Secretary of State reversed an earlier decision, and said she will accept the independent presidential petition for Rocky De La Fuente. The petition had been rejected because a state law says independent presidential candidates must submit a copy of the petition blank to the Secretary of State before starting to circulate. De La Fuente had submitted a copy of his petition to the Clark County elections office, but not the Secretary of State’s office. The De La Fuente petition was circulated entirely within Clark County, which has over half the state’s population.


Nevada Will Accept Rocky De La Fuente Petition Despite Technical Violation — 5 Comments

  1. One more LAWLESS event in the 2016 Prez so-called election — heading for Civil WAR II ??? Duh.

  2. I really wish this guy would just give me some of the money he’s spending on his vanity campaigns. It’s great to see someone win a case like this. But this all seems like such a waste. I could think of lots of ways this money could be better spent.

  3. Does anyone have any notion how many states Rocky will be on the ballot? I heard a rumor from a Libertarian activist in Massachusetts that he’s hiring a bunch of petitioners in New England.

  4. There was a response to a comment on his Facebook page saying he expects to be on in 40 states.

  5. Serious, where is De La Fuente getting all this money from? He qualified for the Democratic Primary ballot all around the country, often by collecting signatures, he allegedly gave a large donation to the Libertarian Party over the weekend of their national convention, and now he’s qualify as a Independent all over the country. Is it some kind of money laundering scheme?

    Assuming the Michigan Secretary of State doesn’t change her tune from 4 years ago that lead to Michigan being the only state in the Nation that required Libertarians to write-in Gary Johnson (Oklahmoa doens’t offer a write-in line), even though we have 2 political parties now with ballot access that don’t have a national POTUS candidate of their own (Natrual Law Party and Working Class Party) he won’t be able to use their ballot line because he was a candidate in our Democratic Primary (qualified by petition).

    The LPM argued that since in 1980 Anderson was on the ballot in Michigan after running in the GOP Primary that we should get to have Johnson. Secretary of State Johnson said that was different becasue Anderson filed as an independent, not as a nominee of an existing Party. (Though technically she’s incorrect, he was the candidate of the newly formed “Anderson Coalition Party”, as such I don’t know if that mean’s they’d let him run on the new “Working Class Party” ticket too or not)

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