Green Party Won’t Pursue Lawsuit Against Nevada’s June Petition Deadline for Newly-Qualifying Parties

The Nevada Green Party has decided not to pursue its Nevada ballot access lawsuit. The case had been filed August 16, 2016. The issue was the early June petition deadline for newly-qualifying parties. The party had failed to win injunctive relief, and thus Jill Stein did not appear on the Nevada ballot. Part of the reason the party did not win injunctive relief was that the case had been filed so late.

The case has been dismissed without prejudice, which means if anyone, including the Green Party, files a future case on the same issue, the matter is considered open and unsettled.

The Nevada petition deadline for independent presidential candidates is in July, so it seems there is no real state interest in requiring the party petition to be in June. New parties in Nevada nominate by convention, not primary.


Green Party Won’t Pursue Lawsuit Against Nevada’s June Petition Deadline for Newly-Qualifying Parties — 1 Comment

  1. 1, Each election continues to be NEW.
    2. Separate continues NOT to be equal. Brown v. Bd of Ed 1954
    3. Equal ballot access tests continues.

    How come there are SOOOO many continuing MORON lawyers with NO brain cells about basic election law stuff ???

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