Paul Merritt Files Brief in California Lawsuit Over Secretary of State’s Deletion of “Independent” in his Voter Guide Statement

On December 23, Paul Merritt filed this brief in Merritt v Padilla, c.d., 8:16cv-606. This is the lawsuit over whether the California Secretary of State violated Merritt’s constitutional rights when the Secretary of State deleted the words “registered independent voter” from Merritt’s statement in the June 2016 Voter Guide. Merritt was running for U.S. Senate. He, like all other candidates who chose to have a statement in the Voter Guide, paid for it. The Secretary of State not only deleted the words “registered independent voter”, he didn’t even inform Merritt of what he had done.


Paul Merritt Files Brief in California Lawsuit Over Secretary of State’s Deletion of “Independent” in his Voter Guide Statement — 14 Comments

  1. The candidate name and party affiliation are not part of the statement.

    Mr. Merritt’s statement read:

    “Paul Merritt Registered Independent Voter”

    If Merritt were consistent he would complain about the removal of his name. For example, one opponent was able to write “My name is Kamala Harris.”

    The instructions say to use standard paragraph form, and to not use bullet points or other formating that would require indentation. In the actual guide, all paragraphs were removed.

    It is reasonable to assume that Merritt intended the first line to be a heading for his entry.

    The voters guide standardized the placement of the candidate’s name, their party affiliation, their photograph, and contact information. For example, Merritt’s submitted mailing address was modified to a standard presentation. Merritt does not complain that it makes it look like he lives in CA rather than California. These were not editorial changes.

    The omission of the header line did not alter the meaning of the statement.

    If he had written:

    My name is Paul Merritt. I am a registered independent voter. California make history … elect an independent Senator Merritt. Elect an independent thinker. …

    It is quite likely that it would have printed. After all, they left in his misspellings.

    I think Merritt is fibbing a bit about what he expected.

  2. Well now, it’ll be interesting to see what Secretary of State Padilla’s Office offers as a counter-argument to Mr. Merritt’s brief. I suspect that his Office will fight it out as long as they can.

  3. It would appear to be the CA SOS who is the defendant — for any body who can read.

    How many folks on this list have ever heard about suing public hacks for damages ???

    For other folks — See Book III of Blackstone’s Commentaries — damages for all sorts of TORTS.

  4. Demo Rep… You can’t personally sue a government employee when they’re acting in their government role. The only entity here that can pay damages is the government itself.

  5. I am still trying to figure how I got 4,483,810 votes for
    Presidential Elector, when only Jill LaVine ROV in Sacramento County stated that a vote of Trump/Pence was a vote for me and other electors. The other 57 Counties did not post that information.

    Election Fraud in California was massive in 2016.

  6. AMc — how about look at the zillion damage cases against Federal/State/local executive officers in SCOTUS and other courts ???

    I.E. the officer HACK is deemed NOT to be a legal officer when violating the USA Const or valid USA laws or treaties.

    See the nonstop Fed and State damage cases against cops using excessive force.

    Even States can be sued for violations of the various Fed Const Amdts regarding prohibitions on the States — depending on Congress enforcement laws.

  7. Demo Rep should sue a state official for damages.

    Then, when he loses, he can explain that he was really correct, only the courts didn’t realize it till decades later.

    That’s what happened last time.


    B v. B!

    Sep. Not =

  8. I hope that Hypocrite is taking his mental illness meds each day and perhaps can get obsessed about the UNEQUAL ballot access laws and the minority rule gerrymander HACKS in the Fed/State/local govts in the USA — regardless of all of the MORON lawyers doing ballot access and gerrymander cases in the courts – esp. before SCOTUS – esp. after it gets HACK 9 via Trump.

  9. “What lawyer — other than perhaps some TV lawyer (Perry Mason, Matlock, etc.) – has never lost a case ???”

    -Demo Rep, Dec. 22, 2016 (explaining why he has lost 100 percent of the ballot access cases he files)


    -Demo Rep all the time, every day, about everyone else

  10. So are Demo Rep and Hypocrite two different mentalities of the same person?… like we got a split personality thing going on here.

  11. Sorry – Hypocrite (with his/her/its other fake Alias names) appears to be one of those fine business as usual lawyers who has lost too many ballot access cases in the courts to count — by NOT doing correct arguments.

    Hmmm. Did Gen. George Washington win ALL of his battles with the Brits in 1775-1781 ???

    Answer he lost many, tied a few but won the BIG one — Yorktown, VA Oct 1781 (with major French regime help -money, French army and navy) — such that this list can exist.

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