College Park Becomes the Seventh Municipality in Maryland to Let Non-Citizens Vote in Local Elections

On September 12, the city council of College Park, Maryland, voted 4-3 to allow all adult residents (except ex-felons) to vote in city elections, regardless of citizenship status. See this story. College Park is in Montgomery County.

The other Maryland municipalities that already let non-citizens vote in local elections are Takoma Park, Somerset, Glen Echo, Martin’s Additions (all in Montgomery County); and also Hyattsville and Mt. Rainier (both of them are in Prince Georges County). Montgomery and Princes Georges Counties are the two Maryland counties that border Washington, D.C. Thanks to Michael Drucker for the news.


College Park Becomes the Seventh Municipality in Maryland to Let Non-Citizens Vote in Local Elections — 8 Comments

  1. Again – how soon before those politically correct regimes in the USA are having those *citizens of the world* voting in their elections ???

    IE one more step on the long road to Civil WAR II.

  2. The article doesn’t mention it but I think some of those towns only allow legal alien residents to vote.

  3. Demo Rep- just how CAN you say such things????? Just take down another Confederate monument or two and you’ll feel MUCH better!

  4. Will the politically correct folks very shortly be tearing down that white Washington Monument in Dumb City —

    since Gen/Prez G.W. was a slave owner ???

  5. Demo Rep… They should honestly… The government should have NO shrines or monuments on government land anywhere. It’s a form of endorsing one type of speech over another. Thus there shouldn’t be ANYTHING on ANY public land or buildings.

  6. What’s next — having NO political/legal history — except *politically correct* stuff ???

    Who cares about old battles like 1775 Lexington and Concord, 1777 Saratoga, 1781 Yorktown ???

    See esp the Stalin purges and revised USSR/Russia history.

  7. So liberals cry about foreign interference in our elections from “Russians” yet are ok with foreigners invading America and voting in our elections. Subjecting American citizens to the voices of foreigners.

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