Two Experts on Counterterrorism Write that National Popular Vote Would Make it More Difficult for U.S. Presidential Elections to be Manipulated

Matthew Olsen and Benjamin Haas have this article at Politico, arguing that if the U.S. used a national popular vote to choose its president, it would be more difficult for hostile forces beyond our borders to manipulate the outcome of our presidential elections. Olsen is a former general counsel to the National Security Agency and a former director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Haas is a former Army intelligence officer.


Two Experts on Counterterrorism Write that National Popular Vote Would Make it More Difficult for U.S. Presidential Elections to be Manipulated — 4 Comments

  1. Today, the United Coalition has now been granted free speech assembly permits for Saturday and Sunday in Monterey, California USA, on April 21st and 22nd 2018, at Monterey Bay Park.

    This is an event on Earth Day and serves as an anchor by which we land the ship.

    Carry your share of the work of vote counting by acting today.

    Every supporter of pure proportional representation, please consider opening your membership, plan to attend and/or to apply your talents to help build the assembly.

    The operation’s All Party System Co. needs, for global recycling of aluminum and share certificate sales, two sectors of the income-generation needed for helping to pay the basic office costs, taxes and corporate fees, are two areas where you can get involved.

    Carry your share of the work by acting today and support the work of worldwide pure proportional representation for both global and for ALL subsidiary geographical levels as well.

  2. How safe are the communications for WAR orders ???

    Each election has become a WAR event — which left/right control freak gang controls law making.

    Obviously precinct data would have to be communicated to some central place to be added up to get results.

    How safe/correct are the recent results in ANY unit of govt — smallest to largest — smallest township to sunny CA ???

  3. It would be better to eliminate the office of president. Dispersed power is less vulnerable to decapitation.

  4. NO commander in chief in a WAR = divide and lose or divide and win ???

    See both World Wars with both sides quite a bit divided.

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