New Mexico Bill for Automatic Voter Registration

New Mexico State Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto has introduced SJR 5. It provides that all adult citizens known to exist would automatically be registered to vote, unless they decline.


New Mexico Bill for Automatic Voter Registration — 5 Comments

  1. I think a nice compromise would be to automatically register all adult citizens while also requiring ID to be shown to vote with whats acceptable as ID to be as open as possible (student ID w/picture, driver’s license, etc)

  2. Since one would be registered against their will would the state also choose a political party for them?

  3. No. They would not be members of any party, unless they affirmatively choose one.

  4. Why should there be Student Id’s at all? It sounds like a money making scam for a vendor, and the cost will be pushed off as unpaid debt for student loans. The school is unlikely to establish identity.

    The federal government should issue ID’s. When someone establishes a new residence they contact the federal government, who would then inform election officials, and automatically register the voter (assuming they meet other requirements). The ID could be used for other purposes such as establishing the right to work in the USA.

  5. What is the *proof* that each person is an *adult citizen* ???

    Note 14th Amdt, Sec 1.

    What is next —

    a special tax for NOT being registered ???

    a special tax credit for being registered ???

    a special payment for voting [esp the *politically correct* way) ???

    Obviously ALL this stuff is a scheme by the communist Donkey Party to elect more communists to get 24/7 TOTAL permanent Donkey communist control of ALL folks – birth to death.

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