Idaho Green Party Begins Petitioning for Party Status

The Green Party has never been on the ballot in Idaho, although some of its presidential nominees have qualified as independent candidates. The Idaho independent petition is only 1,000 signatures for statewide office, but the party petition is 2% of the last presidential vote, which is currently 13,809.

However, the Green Party is now circulating a party petition in Idaho, and it has a few hundred signatures. The deadline is August 30. The reason the party petition deadline is so late is that the Populist Party won a lawsuit in the Ninth Circuit in 1984 against the old May deadline.

If a party can get on the ballot in Idaho, it can easily remain on the ballot, as long as it continues to be active. A party remains on the ballot if it runs at least three candidates every two years. It doesn’t matter how many votes its candidates get; it merely must run three candidates.


Idaho Green Party Begins Petitioning for Party Status — 5 Comments

  1. As I recall, Jill Stein qualified for the ballot in Idaho in 2016. I assume she went the independent petition route for this. When she qualified, did they put “Green Party” by her name, or just “Independent”?

  2. Idaho law says candidates who use the independent petition can only have “independent” on the ballot next to their names.

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