
Illinois Holds Three-Party Debate for Comptroller — 9 Comments

  1. Men, our team can do much better, because we have the ability to to elect a state-wide team in Illinois consisting of all parties and independents in Illinois and that helps change the stories away from the conflict between D and R, to a story about electing the entire Illinois state executive as one multi-winner team.

    The United Coalition won the only primary in the 2012 Libertarian POTUS primary with 52.7% but the party bosses snuffed out our voices and no one at the LP convention was allowed to hear how working across partisan and gender lines brought victory.

    Google and the Green Party and Libertarian Party bosses don’t want anyone to know and our team was blocked from speaking everywhere since 1995.

  2. Correction, we were blocked from speaking at the 2012 Libertarian Party national nominating convention.

    We were de-linked from the national Libertarian Party website early in the campaign because the bosses were “embarrassed”.

    We were blocked and censored from virtually all Libertarian facebook pages, BAN, Free and Equal debate and IPR and despite that we won the primary with 52.7% but the party bosses made sure that the delegates didn’t know.

  3. Ogle, you were the only candidate and barely beat uncommitted in the non binding primary. IPR was sick of your spamming. Please, seek mental help.

  4. James: Why are you telling only “men” that “our team” can do better? What about women? Do you have women on your team?

  5. Joshua, please do not ask Ogle questions. It only encourages him to spam even more and reply to himself.

    His team is just him, and his imaginary friends.

    Roseanne Barr possibly filed a restraining order against him.

  6. Joshua K, I saying men, because I am male, trying unite my own gender.

    Women hear a different message so I am only trying to connect with men with my message.

    Thanks for your interest. Us men cannot speak for women, I am trying to show respect to that fact by appealing to men only, to speak for my own gender, that we can bring 50/60 partnership with women under pure proportional representation.

    Our team prohibits single-winners in all elections, PPR prohibits single winner districts and so we want gender balance to attract votes for the United Coalition USA in multiple winner districts.

    Our team has a unifying message but plurality elections bring conflict.

    Single-winner districts and the single winners, are not a team so since team psychology can only be attained in multiple winner districts and not single winner districts, we see good potential to guarantee gender balance in two-winner districts when 2/3rds of the voters alternate between genders by accident or on purpose. That’s a mathematical fact.

    Our team uses team psychology, fairness to women, as a way to attract votes under pure proportional representation and no pluralist election can do that (pluralist elections = “X” or yes/no).

    Pure proportional representation requires voting using numerals (1,2,3,4,5,6,etc .).

    Unity and full representation under the mathematics isn’t known except maybe in Cambridge Massachusetts where PPR is used correctly. US voters only know politics as division and polarization but PPR changes that when it’s done correctly.

  7. I am close friends with Roseanne Barr and she is one of four female candidates with whom our team of about ten POTUS candidates united with in debates and other actions in 2012.

    Most of the Libertarian candidates did not remain with Libertarian Party after 2012 because of the foul treatment by the party bosses who blocked our message in many states and nationally.

    Our own team took turns speaking and worked with candidates who self-catgorized with true liberty (not fake liberties to self-categorise) and we all liked this liberty and do not try to pretend one party/category is better than everyone. Instead, we want to be part of government to help find solutions that are supported by a diverse majority.

  8. I called it. Ogle spammed and replied to himself. He cannot name anyone in his little group because he is the only one.

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