Interamerican Commission on Human Rights Hears Case on Puerto Rico Voting Rights

On October 8, the Interamerican Commission on Human Rights heard the case brought by Puerto Rico against United States policy that does not allow U.S. citizens living in Puerto Rico to vote for federal office. One can watch the hearing at this link. The interesting part starts at the one hour, three minute mark, when representatives of the U.S. government defend current policy.


Interamerican Commission on Human Rights Hears Case on Puerto Rico Voting Rights — 5 Comments

  1. Puerto Rico — NOT a USA *State*.

    How many *large* regimes can survive with 2 or more *main* / *official* languages ???

    In general — see the Balkans in Europe.

    See unstable Canada — French Quebec v. English provinces.

    How many Spanish *invaders* in the USA — aka *illegal immigrants* ???

  2. How many-
    Partial sentences…
    Can we TAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s MORONS who don’t speak proper English……….
    Bringing US down!!!!!
    1st Amdt etc etc etc

  3. Due to 1 second or less New Age attention spans for written stuff —

    the more SHORT comments the better.

    Gee – why are TV commercials [esp TV politics attack ads] now only about 10-15 seconds long !!! ???

    Blogs are NOT 1,000 page New Age laws by statist gerrymander monsters.

    PR and AppV

  4. I have a pragmatic approach to this problem.

    Let territories be considered part of the nearest state for census and representation purposes.

    These territories would be able to vote in federal elections with that state only, but if such territory would decide to become a state, it would be treated as such.

    This would mean DC would be part of Maryland, US Virgin Islands+PR would be part of Florida, Guam would be part of Washington and American Samoa would be part of Hawaii.

    Not a perfect idea but gives everybody voting rights and some representation.

  5. Uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA.

    Abolish USA minority rule Senate and Electoral College.

    PR and AppV

    Puerto Rico can merge with local Brit/French/Spanish islands –

    be a separate larger regime.

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