Arkansas Holds Three-Party Gubernatorial Debate

On October 12, the three ballot-listed candidates for Governor of Arkansas debated, and the debate was televised. See this story. Thanks to Independent Political Report for the news. The three candidates were the nominees of the Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian Parties.


Arkansas Holds Three-Party Gubernatorial Debate — 3 Comments

  1. Men, there are only three male candidates running for Governor of Arkansas and three male candidates running for Lt. Governor of Arkansas.

    Are you interested in a new winning strategy of bringing more fairness for female candidates in elections?

    The United Coalition USA is making 50/50 partnership with both genders, all parties and independents working together for the good of the whole under pure proportional representation, a top item on the elected Unity Platform USA.

    We bring this new policy to all elections in government and elsewhere such as religion, unions, guilds, corporations, etc., because of the perfection of the new unifying mathematics of pure proportional representation (PPR).

    In 2012 our team multiple POTUS candidates, Green Tea, Roseannearchist, Libertarian, Green and more, we won the Missouri State POTUS primary with 52.7%.

    It was the only primary which fell before the national Libertarian Party convention in 2012, but our team was blocked from speaking, de-linked from their web site, slandered, bullied and blocked from scores of blogs and facebook pages, by the party bosses who are bitterly opposed and fighting the United Coalition USA because they want only plurality voting which brings conflict.

    The party bosses didn’t want the delegates to know about the United Coalition USA in 2012 and in 2018 they are already blocking, censoring and snuffing out our voices.

  2. President and Vice President or Governor and Lt. Governor are two-member districts.

    Yes, that’s why we allow two seats or more simultaneously, and we prohibit all single-winner elections for the election of names and decision items.

    We correctly prohibit votes using yes/no, raise the hand, click the dot, veto/pass, coincidentally we’ve allowed only multiple winners simultaneously for twenty-three consecutive years.

    USA only, join the new pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College linked in top right column on following web page to be a voter in a national two-member district for President and Vice President here:

  3. Arkansas

    I have started on the population figure for the South Super-state Parliament and since there are seven states, five of the seven will consist of two Mini-States, so Mississippi and Arkansas will be treated as one whole Mini-state each under the PPR Electoral College.

    South Super-state Parliament Circuit #6

    Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee


    Tennessee (Population est. in 2017 – 6.715M)
    Missouri (Population est. in 2017 – 6.114M)
    Alabama (Population est. in 2017 – 4.874M)
    Louisiana (Population est. in 2017 – 4.684M)
    Kentucky (Population est. in 2017 – 4.454M)
    Arkansas (Population est. in 2017 – 3.004M)
    Mississippi (Population est. in 2017 – 2.984M)

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