Virginia Libertarian Party Chooses Stand-in Nominees for President and Vice-President

The Virginia Libertarian Party presidential petition is circulating. Virginia has no petition for a group to become a qualified party; it just has candidate petitions. But at least the state law lets unqualified parties circulate a petition with stand-ins. The Virginia Libertarian Party 2020 presidential petition shows Carla Howell for president, and Bob Johnston for vice-president. When the party chooses its actual nominees on the Memorial Day weekend, Howell and Johnston will withdraw and the actual nominees will take their place.

The Illinois and Pennsylvania Libertarian Parties are in the same situation, and will soon be choosing stand-in nominees. Presumably other minor parties that expect to be on the ballot in those three states will also soon choose stand-ins. The Pennsylvania petitioning period begins later this month; the Illinois petitioning period starts in March.


Virginia Libertarian Party Chooses Stand-in Nominees for President and Vice-President — 23 Comments

  1. How many plots by RNC / White House to PURGE LP OFF the ballots in ALL 2016 marginal States ???

  2. Why would they do that when libertarians take an equal number of votes that would otherwise up to democrats as ones that would go to republicans?

  3. Polls aren’t junk. They still correlate well with results, and people wouldn’t spend all that money on them if they didn’t. When you have multiple polls in different times and places, including exit polls, it’s not “junk”. What’s YOUR evidence that Libertarian candidates hurt Republicans?

    You could also consider the Libertarian platform, which is to the left of the Democrats on social and cultural issues and military/foreign policy. Or the fact that the last Libertarian presidential ticket pretty openly stated that they preferred the Democrats to the Republicans. Or that a former LPTX executive director revealed that a precinct analysis of vote results showed the LP did better in precincts with a majority of Latino names than in ones with a majority of Anglo names. How many kinds of evidence do you need?

    If polls are not what you consider evidence…what DO you consider evidence?

  4. New Age — lots of LIARS in polls to be *politically correct” / cause chaos.

    proof – X on a secret paper ballot.

    pollster often rigged questions = mere temporary *taste* opinions — art, music, books, movies, TV shows, etc.

  5. “William Smith” (obvious fake name, repeating obviously bogus talking points we have heard before, probably from the same poster posting under different names, including their real name sometimes), libertarianism is not so much left or right, but rather is about property rights and the non-aggression principle. The last Libertarian Party presidential ticket was NOT really libertarian, they were frauds, as were the two tickets before the last one. There was NOTHING libertarian about Hillary Clinton. The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.

    As for all of these Hispanics supposedly being more libertarian than Anglos, let’s break this down a little further. Anglos are a particular tribe from England. Anglos are NOT Irish or Scottish, who are Celts, nor are they French, or Scandanavian, nor are they Polish, or Italian, nor are they German, although they were originally a Germanic tribe. So Anglos heavily mixed with another tribe, the Saxons, who also went to the British Isles, which is where the term Anglo-Saxon comes from. Anglo-Saxons also mixed with Celts and Normans. The founders of the USA were predominantly the British Isles, so they were predominantly Anglo-Saxon and Celtic. Many Americans have some Anglo ancestry, but not many Americans are pure Anglo, since, once again, Anglos are a specific Germanic tribe that inhabited what came to be known as England, and the Welsh, who are Celts, were actually on that island before the Anglos. Many Americans have Anglo surnames, such as Smith or Johnson, but not all of tbese Americans are white, as many black Americans took on Anglo surnames, and in fact, there are now more black Americans with the Anglo surnames Washington, like founding father George Washington, and Jefferson, like founding father Thomas Jefferson, than there are white Americans with these surnames. Also, lots of Americans have Irish or Scottish surnames, or German surnames, or French surnames, or German surnames, or Polish surnames, or Swedish surnames or Norwegian surnames or Dutch surnames, or etc…. Lots of black Americans also have Irish or Scottish surnames, or French surnames. Many Americans with Anglo surnames are also part Irish or Scottish or German or French or Italian or Polish or etc… Now as for Hispanics, Hispanic is not a race, or even an ethic group really, as it merely refers to somebody from a Spanish speaking country. Spain is in Europe, and the Spanish are white Europeans. Many Hispanics in the America’s are mixed with Amerindian tribes, and are referred to as Mestizos. Some Hispanics in the America’s are pure Amerindian, but many have some mix of Spanish. Some Hispanics are also black (African origin) or Asian, or some mix thereof. This is why census forms and population demographic figures will say “Hispanic or Latino of any race”. So some Hispanics are white, or are mostly white, many are Mestizo, some are Amerindian, and some are Asian.

    Now as for a breakdown of who tends to vote or identify as a libertarian, every survey or study into this, as well as simply observing who shows up at Libertarian Party meetings and conventions, or any small “I” libertarian event, rally, or conference, reality is that a super-majority of libertarians are white. This does not mean that a person who is not white can’t be a libertarian, nor does it mean that all white people are libertarians, it just means that statistically, a super-majority of libertarians are white. This was even mentioned in a big survey that was conducted by the Cato Institute or Reason Magazine a few years ago.

    Unfortunately, there is no evidence to back up the claim that large numbers of Hispanics are flocking to the Libertarian Party or movement. Numerous surveys and studies of voter trends indicate that most of them are flocking to the Democratic Party, and that a super-majority of them support increased welfare statism and more gun control. Also, as I mentioned above, some Hispanics are white, or mostly white, some are Mestizo, some are Amerindian, some are black, and some are Asian. Most Hispanics in the USA are Mestizo.

    Like I mentioned above, every survey or study of who votes libertarian indicates that it is mostly people who’d be identified as white. People also vote for Libertarian Party candidates for different reasons. Some do it because they really believe in tge party and philosophy, but some do it as a protest vote, and/or because there was nobody else on the ballot and they did not lime the Democrat and/or the Republican. Some do it because they mistakenly think libertarian means something other than what it is, like some people think it is the same thing asa modern day left wing progressive liberal.

    Breaking down voting trends/statistics can be pretty complicated. For instance, I am approximately of 12.5% Spanish ancestry, as my father’s father’s mother was Spanish, by way of South America. She died before I was born, so I never met her, but I saw pictures of her. She looked like a white Spaniard. If my father’s father had taken on the matriarc’s name instead of the patriarc’s name, I would be Andy Castillo, or, since a lot of Hispanics/Latinos use names from both sides of a family, I could be Andy Castillo-Sanchez, or maybe it would be Andy Sanchez-Castillo. Now as far as I know, the rest of my ancestry is Flemish (Dutch from Belgium), English, Scottish, Irish, and French, possibly some other stuff thrown in, but I am not sure. So would I be counted in the statistics as a Hispanic voter who has voted for Libertarian Party candidates multiple times, or would I only be counted as a Hispanic voter had my father’s father taken his mother’s last name instead of his father’s last name?

  6. There should be an “h” at the end of matriarch and patriarch above, and “lime” above should read like.

  7. How many polls had

    Bush I winning in 1992 ???
    Gore winning in 2000 ???
    H Clinton winning in 2016 ???

    — regardless of any *margin of error* stuff.

  8. The three-party system wasn’t encouraged by the New Hampshire nor the Iowa L.P.

    The NH brought a one-party system in 2020 – approval voting in form of rankings in single-winner districts = one-party system.

    The Iowa State Libertarian Party Presidential brought an unknown voting system which appears to be a single-winner election district which guarantees a one-party system or two-party system.

    The NH and Iowa Libertarian Party missed the 2020 opportunity to bring the three-party system to the two-winner election district of Prez/VP.

  9. No polls had Bush winning in 1992. In 1991, Bush spiked in the polls and then came back down just as rapidly. Throughout 1992 he trailed in the polls, by an even larger margin during the months Perot dropped out before dropping back in. Hillary Clinton got about exactly as many popular votes as the polls predicted in 2016, but lost in very narrow electoral margins in three states which were too close within the margin of error for polls. 2000 polls showed a race down to the wire, which is indeed what happened. There’s no evidence that polls are systematically far off the mark, and lots of evidence that they are close to the mark despite various challenges.

    William Smith is not a fake name. “Anglo” in the context above clearly means non-Hispanic. There are not a lot of white Spaniards in Texas, although there are many Latinos who classify themselves as white but are most likely mixed race mestizos. Who tends to vote LP and who tends to attend LP meetings are not necessarily the same thing. Above, I am citing specific empirical evidence that I saw someone else cite in previous comments several times, along with survey results that showed that African Americans and Latinos tested just as libertarian on random sample Nolan chart and issue quizzes as whites. You would not be counted as Hispanic in any of the above survey methods since you do not have a Hispanic last name in the real world nor do you identify as Hispanic if someone asked you.

    And, it’s not surprising that increasing numbers of Latinos vote Democrat when the Republicans are busy ginning up anti-immigrant and anti-Latino hate. Despite this there are still quite a few Latinos who vote Republican, mainly because they want more of a free market than what they see from Democrats. No one is claiming Latinos who vote for Libertarians are anything like a majority of Latinos; as with Anglos or anyone else, most of any of these groups vote for Democrats or Republicans. But, there is real world evidence that the few people who do vote Libertarian are more diverse than what you assume from attending party meetings. I’ve never been to any such meetings but I’ll take your word for it that they are overwhelmingly white Anglo. But that’s a small social club and not necessarily indicative of how people vote, which albeit small, is a lot more than a few hundred people who might typically show up to one of your county meetings.

    I agree that Hillary Clinton was not very libertarian, although I think she was less authoritarian than Trump. And admittedly your last presidential ticket left a lot to be desired but based on what I saw from them and what I have seen from your comments I still think they were more libertarian than you are. The alt right/paleo cult that falsely claims to be libertarian purists is actually the biggest problem Libertarians have.

  10. LP Iowa caucus results:

    134 Jacob Hornberger 47.52%
    36 Lincoln Chafee 12.77%
    18 Jo Jorgensen 6.38%
    17 Adam Kokesh 6.03%
    14 Daniel Behrman 4.96%
    10 John McAfee 3.55%
    9 Vermin Supreme 3.19%
    8 Other (Write In) 2.84%
    8 NOTA 2.84%
    7 Sam Robb 2.48%
    6 Max Abramson 2.13%
    4 Mark Whitney 1.42%
    3 Arvin Vorha 1.06%
    2 Ken Armstrong 0.71%
    2 Keenan Wallace Dunham 0.71%
    2 Souraya Faas 0.71%
    1 Benjamin Leder 0.35%
    1 John Monds 0.35%
    0 Daniel Christman 0.00%
    0 James Ogle 0.00%
    0 Steve Richey 0.00%

    282 Total Votes 100.00%

  11. Thus – how many pro-Clinton possible voters did NOT vote due to the MORON polls which claimed she might/would win with that 90 plus percent *probable* result ???

    ONLY some of the poll MORONS on this list know 100.0000000000 percent for sure by occult / outer space means ???

  12. Correct, national polls showed her winning by about as much as she won the national popular vote by. The polls were largely accurate.

  13. State polls were less frequently done and did not necessarily reflect the late breaking comey weirdness, and would have been within the margin of error anyway.

  14. “William Smith” – another obvious sockpuppet of the cyberpig, trying to make his leftist POV look more prevalent than it really is.

  15. Leftist? My democratic and green friends all consider me rightist. I’m nobody’s sockpuppet,though perhaps you are. Accusing others of what you do yourself would be very trumpian of you. Odds that you are a trumpster fire yourself.

  16. No. I’m talking to you cyberpig. You betrayed your only friend Andy and now you have no friends.

  17. “William Smith” claims that Johnson/Weld were more libertarian than I am. That is completely absurd.

    Here are some of my issue stances:

    End the income tax and replace it with nothing. Phase out all taxation.

    Eliminate the Federal Reserve System and fiat currency. People can trade with gold, silver, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, or whatever else.

    Repeal all gun control laws.

    Completely end the war on drugs.

    Dismantle the welfare state.

    Get the government out of healthcare.

    Pull the US military out of all foreign countries and territories. Foreign policy should be one of non-intervention and peace.

    End all government spying which violates the 4th amendment.

    Restore fair jury trials, and promote jury nullification of victimless crimes.

    I could go on, but all of these stances are way more libertarian than anything proposed by Gary Johnson and Bill Weld.

  18. “The Virginia Libertarian Party 2020 presidential petition shows Carla Howell for president, and Bob Johnston for vice-president”

    I’d support that ticket…

    Maybe that should be the bar set for candidates for the nomination… Are you better than the stand-in candidates?

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