Utah Governor Signs Bill Deleting Harmful Ballot Labels for Independent Candidates

On March 30, Utah Governor Gary Herbert signed SB 28. It deletes language added in 2017 that says independent candidates must have this label on the ballot: “Does not qualify to be listed on the ballot as affiliated with a political party.”

The only independent candidate on the Utah ballot in 2018, Marsha Holland, who was running for the legislature, learned that many voters read this to mean that she was not “qualified”, and that injured her campaign. She filed a federal lawsuit in 2019 against that language, and the state asked that the case be delayed until the 2020 legislature could have a chance to fix the problem. The problem has now been fixed, so the lawsuit will be dismissed.


Utah Governor Signs Bill Deleting Harmful Ballot Labels for Independent Candidates — 14 Comments

  1. When is the last time you sued for money damages? When was the last time you won ? When was the last time you lost? If it’s reliably winnable why aren’t you doing more of it now?

  2. Is the mystery parrott one more losing lawyer in MANY ballot access cases

    — who failed to demand $$$ damages [at the standard 30 plus percent rate] ???

    NON-morons– see Book 3 of 1760s Blackstone’s Commentaries and jury trials —

    $$$ damages as a fact question.

    Intentional injuries = *punitive* damages.

    Un-intentional injuries = *regular* damages.

    Law skooooool 001 course — civil actions – injuries – remedies
    — for 800 plus years in Anglo-American LAW.

  3. No, I’m not a lawyer. But you are, right? So where are your cases? If everyone else is a moron, it should be easy for you to clean up. So again, what is your win loss record and how recently? Let’s see some case numbers and cites. If you are not doing what you criticize others for not doing, why not?

  4. Much more important to NOW be doing State const amdt pets for PR and Appv in the 18 Voter pet States — since SCOTUS is as partisan corrupt as all major legis bodies and all partisan party hack execs — ie NOO relief currently possible in USA courts.

  5. If you won your lawyer fee for all those monetary damages you could fund state petitions for pr and appv whatever that is. Instead you just gripe endlessly on here in jargon that few if any here much less any one else understand. How about putting your claims to the real world test?

  6. Sorry – those monetary damages are NOT enough to do the 18 voter pets.

    TOO many useless actions to count – esp.

    AA. minor party / independent ballot access cases

    BB. minority rule gerrymander cases

    — both by same old losing lawyers [with or without 30 plus pct contingent damage fees].

    See zillion personal injury TV ads — aka ambulance chaser so-called lawyers biz.

    IE NO take case unless 99.9 pct CERTAIN to *win*.

    About 5 lawyer biz with such major TV ads in my local area – often attacking other biz personality stars.

  7. Also — The national super-rich wannabee reformers so far too dumb to detect the total ROT.

    Yang, Steyer, Bloomberg, etc. — armies of underlings stopping basic ROT info getting to them and basic reforms needed.

    Brain dead leftist/rightist media wanting only left/right *good* monarch tyrants.

    Media morons shocked when BAAADE stuff happens due to such tyrants — Johnson Vietnam WAR, Nixon Watergate, Bush I / Bush II Mideast wars, Obama 2009-2012 Great Depression II, etc, etc etc etc.

    Uniform Elector
    EQUAL ballot access

  8. Excuses, excuses. Do enough monetary damages to fund one or two of the cheapest states like the Dakotas
    Then if you succeed you’ll attract investors to do bigger states. Or alternatively you could keep complaining and getting zero real world results and few people to even so much as understand what you’re trying to say because they don’t know your abbreviations or references. I guess you’ll keep doing the latter because doing the same thing over and over is bound to pay off eventually, right?

  9. How many reform pets in the 18 States has the resident pre-skoool MORON parrott done so far ???

    ALL troll Putin agent MORON comments ALL the time.

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