Howie Hawkins Campaign Believes It Has Qualified for Primary Season Matching Funds

On July 9, the Howie Hawkins campaign determined that the campaign has raised enough small donations to qualify for primary season matching funds. To get the funds, a candidate seeking the presidential nomination of any party (recognized by the FEC or not) must raise at least $5,000 from each of 20 states.

No other presidential candidate in 2020 has been trying to achieve this goal. Generally major party presidential candidates no longer seek the funds, because it comes with restrictions about how much they can spend in each state.


Howie Hawkins Campaign Believes It Has Qualified for Primary Season Matching Funds — 40 Comments

  1. Who cares what Howie does? Unless he endorses PLAS.
    Or the delegates mandate that PLAS be pursued.
    So what if he gets matching funds? He won’t get much more than that because everybody knows he is going to lose.
    One big factor about PLAS is to from the get go explain to possible supporters that we are going to try a new strategy and we believe we can win by a close plurality. 42/29/29. Explain how the leftist vote is about 27% and the Libertarian vote is about 13%. Maybe many would be voters are not as stupid as Tom Knapp and figure it out.
    Your support and contributions will gradually rise as will your polling.
    Hopefully in time reaching 15% in time to qualify for the debates.
    Delegates TAKE OVER the convention.
    Give PLAS a chance.
    Your party officials SUCK. The GP and LP are highly infiltrated with spies and saboteurs. And dupes.
    You are certainly going to lose otherwise.
    I can give a step by step to win.
    I believe think tanks and supercomputers have LONG AGO worked out the PLAS scenario.
    But the democrats and republicans are not going to tell you.
    You MUST start by DEMANDING PLAS.

  2. DELEGATES do NOT let party officials OR ANYBODY talk you OUT OF PLAS.
    Talk you INTO politics as usual.
    Like my federal defender talked me into plea bargaining. Biggest mistake of my life.
    And my landlord talked me into signing a Consent to Vacate document.
    There was already a default judgement. He said we will not proceed with eviction until after the winter. It was December. Sure. OK. THANKS!
    But you must pay the rent and your arrears. Sure.
    The Landlord wound up getting all the rent and arrears AND EVICTION!
    So don’t let ANYONE talk you out of PLAS.
    Do not let liars fool you.
    They are going to say Bob Milnes is crazy. A criminal. A loser.
    They are wrong and liars.
    The democrats and republicans do not want you to win.
    With PLAS you can win
    Without PLAS you will not win.
    The election is rigged. But PLAS can overcome the rigging.

  3. Indeed. Having this money this early is important.

    NOW … if only some folks from Anonymous, together with Howie, would take a page from Narendra Modi’s election campaign a few years ago and beam a hologram of Howie into the first presidential debate!

  4. I also like that idea SocraticGadfly!

    Also, Howie and Angela managing to get primary season matching funds is a sign that their campaign is doing fairly well considering the extremely hostile political and electoral climate against third parties right now. It’s going to be yet another mandate going into the nominating convention on Saturday, as no other official or unofficial Green Primary candidate got even close to matching funds.

  5. Matching funds is NOT all that important.
    It is the fusion ticket and PLAS campaign that is important.
    No other candidate got lots of votes and matching funds because the fix is in for Howie.
    He is the candidate that the powers that be wants.
    Because they know he will lose.
    They know PLAS COULD win.
    So I and PLAS have been suppressed for years.
    Are Green delegates revolutionaries, or a bunch of DUPES?
    Joshua H.=
    paulie, got instructions from your handler to pump up Socratic Gadfly?

  6. Socratic Gadfly is to the Green party,
    what paulie cannoli is to the Libertarian party?
    Spy and saboteur “In Plain Sight”?
    Delegates, start asking who these people are and who they are working for.

  7. Remember there are hundreds of millions of dollars passing around out there.
    And Green and Libertarians aren’t in on much of it.
    So, WHO IS?

  8. A good first try at a fusion ticket would be Green/Jo Jorgensen.
    Yes, ask Jo.
    Maybe she will think about it and agree to try it.
    Then the LP might have to renominate!
    And maybe they will nominate the same fusion ticket as the GP.

  9. Richard, Milnes is getting out of control. It’s clearly derangement and spam at this point.

  10. Delegates,
    Do not let your vote be a rubber stamp for the powers that be at the convention they have presented to you.
    Who choreographed this convention?
    People with connections to the democratic party?
    My own sister has been goofing up my life for decades, spying on me no doubt, is connected to the democratic party.
    Don’t settle for a bowl of gruel.
    You want the real food. You want to WIN THE ELECTION, Despite of only having 17% of the actual vote.
    That’s right, they STEAL your votes every election.
    Bernie’s vote is actually YOUR VOTE, stolen from you long ago.
    Don’t beg for more gruel.
    Yes, more gruel, sir.
    On the menu for third class passengers of the Titanic.
    The Green party with a losing ticket is like THE TITANIC!

  11. The democrats only have 17% of the actual vote.
    Republicans only have about 27% of the vote.
    Yet on election day they wind up with about 49%/49%
    Where did all those votes come from?
    From YOU and the libertarians.
    STOLEN by Duverger’s Law!

  12. Green delegates,
    You are on board The Titanic!
    Do something before it is too late,
    for 2020.
    You hit the iceberg on election day.
    But the course was set long before.

  13. Racist, anti-semitic nonsense from a mentally ill stalker who’s too depressed to do anything political except spam message boards with a “progressive-libertarian alliance strategy” which he fantasizes will win the presidency by combining the Libertarian and Green parties.

    That may be slightly more than 25 words. Oh yeah, he also defends shooting and stabbing Jews at random and says that’s not anti-semitic.

  14. Progressive-Libertarian Alliance Strategy? Didn’t James Ogle already put that together?

  15. Ban Millness BAN – paulie cyber stalker/bully
    who will fail to gaslight me along with whoever is poisoning my cats and landscape plants.

  16. No, Ogle has NOTHING to do with me or PLAS.
    However his reported girlfriend Tiffany Briscoe was involved in a covert operation to sabotage the Boston Tea Party nomination in 2011. Reported was in a Democratic party primary just before that in Maryland.

  17. PLAS, a subset of Top Ten/Six to maximize and coordinate the progressive(Green) vote 27% and the Libertarian vote 13%. This should produce a close plurality win 42/29/29. And about50/50 ballots resulting in a left/right stable government. The fusion ticket should ideally be progressive man/ libertarian woman. Hence Jo Jorgensen should be the GP vp nominees, should she accept.

  18. Reporting about Millness can be found on sites by William Saturn, The Saturnalian, Saturns Repository.
    But good luck figuring out who William Saturn is or finding a photo of him or finding anyone who has met him in person. I have been trying for years.
    Anything by me about me or PLAS can be found on MY website, The PLAS Place.

  19. IMO, James Ogle and Robert Milnes ought to get together. They are both into building coalitions. If people who believe in coalitions don’t get together, how can it happen?

  20. They also both believe in alternating spots for males and females, leaving no spots for everyone else. But at least Ogle manages to make it to conventions outside his own metro area.

  21. Walter Ziobro,
    Thank you for your comment.
    I have taken some time to reply.
    Now, I recognize your name as a regular commenter. Assuming someone-paulie-has not hijacked your name for his dirty hijinks here.
    I appreciate your thoughts about PLAS and me and US Parliament. But no, I want to keep my distance from him. I do not trust him or the dituation for one thing. Also from the little I know of USP I do not agree with it. Further, I consider it what I call “mind pollution” which I am trying to decrease in my life. Further, I suspect he is part of a deliberate covert operation against PLAS, to muddy the water, create chaos.
    So, my position must be that PLAS is MY creation. Any tampering with it is NOT mine unless I specifically endorse it. So when I offer the Green party my advice about it, it is MY advice no one else’s. I would require an appointment publicly as an advisor to the GP AND the nominee and the ticket to proceed should they decide to adopt PLAS. Without that it is NOT MY advice about PLAS but someone else’s which I would not necessarily trust in accuracy or reliability.

  22. Now, I recognize your name as a regular commenter. Assuming someone-paulie-has not hijacked your name for his dirty hijinks here.

    He probably did. I mean I probably did. I have hijacked all the names here Robert. I am paulie. There is no one here anymore except you and me. And you’re next. After I hijack your brain there will only be me.

    Believe me now or believe me later.

  23. Now, I recognize your name as a regular commenter. Assuming someone-paulie-has not hijacked your name for his dirty hijinks here.

    He probably did. I mean I probably did. I have hijacked all the names here Robert. I am paulie. There is no one here anymore except you and me. And you’re next. After I hijack your brain there will only be me.

    Believe me now or believe me later. For real.

  24. Shut up paulie and robert. Get out of my head. You are driving me crazy. I was sane until toy two showed up.

  25. Hey everybody,
    The clueless Greens are going to throw the election today!
    Clueless lemmings over the cliff today!
    Set course for the Iceberg, puke Greens!
    Lookouts Below!
    We don’t need no stinking lookouts!
    Enjoy your gruel in Third Class.
    While the democrats and republicans live in luxury in First Class!
    May I have more gruel, Sir?
    Bend over Greens.
    May we have more lube, Sir?

  26. The party and the delegates are corrupt or incompetent or dupes.
    Same for the LP.
    BOYCOTT GP and LP.
    Do no contribute. Do not attend meetings.
    Do not answer emails or phone calls. Do not volunteer.
    Do not run as a candidate.
    Do not vote for the democrat or republican either.
    USA elections are corrupt.
    No fair and representative elections.
    No Top Ten/Six.
    The Electoral College Sucks!
    No Third party/independents in debates.
    Rigged GP and LP conventions.
    Fuck it!
    Let the government collapse.
    Boycott the debates.
    Boycott the Elections.

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