Commission on Presidential Debates Cancels October 15 Debate

On October 9, the Commission on Presidential Debates cancelled the October 15 presidential debate. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.

Efforts will be made to plan a debate that would be held on October 22.


Commission on Presidential Debates Cancels October 15 Debate — 16 Comments

  1. A couple guys backstage with tranquilizer darts should stop the effect of Donnie being hepped up on goofballs again.

  2. No more debates. No more elections. Just a dictatorial eternal kingdom of heaven under GOD EMPEROR TRUMP, KING OF ALL KINGS, LORD OF ALL LORDS, BOSS OF ALL BOSSES.

  3. Trump = MORON-in-chief of ALL MORONS — like the so-called Trump troll MORON infesting BAN —


    Biden AG – with his/her arrest list of MORONS – ready to go on 20 Jan 2021 noon.

  4. Biden and his morons meaning every one supporting him will be ready to go to hell with Satan and Soros before Jan 2021. There will be no tranquilizers as they are allowed to feel all the pain of being publicly humiliated and tortured to death and afterwards for eternity in hell.

  5. Biden was too chickenshit to show up in person to the debate, he needed to have his virtual hologram debate instead where Google could correct him. Meanwhile TRUMP will pardon the HEROES in Michigan and they will carry out the arrest, trial and public execution of their treasonous governor. And other heroes will do the same to democrat governors and mayors everywhere. Here in FLORIDA we are blessed to have a loyal REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR but there are still many mayors who are demon craps in the service of communism, Soros and Satan and they too will be arrested, sentences and executed by WE THE PEOPLE who are happy to serve TRUMP and punish HIS enemies. HAIL TRUMP!

  6. Biden probably didn’t know where the debate was. He barely knows who he is these days. The Marxists are voting for Jorgensen anyway.

  7. No, Marxists would probably be voting for Gloria La Riva of the Party of Socialism and Liberation. I know you’re insane and somehow think that a libertarian is a Marxist, but she’s just not.

  8. Same Troll Trump MORON in how many posts with different fake names ???

    Jo the Marxist
    Fact checker
    Big Daddy Biden
    Demo Rep’s Underwear

    — trying to be a Trump speech/vomit writer OR in Hollywood zombie / outer space Alien / Halloween horror movies ???

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