
California Gubernatorial Recall Petition Reportedly Has Collected 1,400,000 Signatures — 29 Comments

  1. The people in Virginia who filed the lawsuit claiming that they can’t collect petition signatures now due to the COVID “health crisis” better hope that nobody reads this.

  2. Do recall elections use the top two primary system? Or is it just a free for all like the last one?




  4. California recall elections haven’t changed since 2003. There would be one vote. Whoever gets the most votes gets elected, even if it is only 30%.

  5. Has CA implemented virtual/online signature gathering? If they have, that might explain why the recall petition is doing so well despite the pandemic. The article didn’t mention how the signatures are being gathered.

    If it does succeed, I hope a couple of CA’s minor parties manage to get a candidate on the ballot, since Top Two won’t apply. I suspect the Greens and Libertarians might do decently well this time around given that many voters won’t want to vote for Newsom or whatever far-right candidate the GOP cooks up.

  6. California has a really easy process to get on the ballot for a recall election. During the recall of Governor Gray Davis election it only took like 65 valid petition signatures to get on the ballot, so there ended up being over 100 candidates.

  7. Mary Carey said she would make give speeches and make public appearances topless.

  8. FYI, there were multiple initiative and referendums that qualified for the CA ballot last year which each turned in over 1 million signatures, and several of them collected signatures right through the so called pandemic.

  9. Question… California is one of those states where Senate vacancies are filled by the Governor and the special election coincides with the next statewide election. Would a recall election be considered statewide election and thus force the special election early?

  10. If a recall election is for a statewide office, then yes, it is a statewide election, and yes, an early election will be called for this.

  11. CA Const Art II — esp Sec. 15.


    SEC. 13.

    Recall is the power of the electors to remove an elective officer.

    (Sec. 13 added June 8, 1976, by Prop. 14. Res.Ch. 5, 1976.)

    SEC. 14.

    (a) Recall of a state officer is initiated by delivering to the Secretary of State a petition alleging reason for recall. Sufficiency of reason is not reviewable. Proponents have 160 days to file signed petitions.

    (b) A petition to recall a statewide officer must be signed by electors equal in number to 12 percent of the last vote for the office, with signatures from each of 5 counties equal in number to 1 percent of the last vote for the office in the county. Signatures to recall Senators, members of the Assembly, members of the Board of Equalization, and judges of courts of appeal and trial courts must equal in number 20 percent of the last vote for the office.

    (c) The Secretary of State shall maintain a continuous count of the signatures certified to that office.

    (Sec. 14 added June 8, 1976, by Prop. 14. Res.Ch. 5, 1976, and Res.Ch. 24, Amdt. 3.)

    SEC. 15.

    (a) An election to determine whether to recall an officer and, if appropriate, to elect a successor shall be called by the Governor and held not less than 60 days nor more than 80 days from the date of certification of sufficient signatures.

    (b) A recall election may be conducted within 180 days from the date of certification of sufficient signatures in order that the election may be consolidated with the next regularly scheduled election occurring wholly or partially within the same jurisdiction in which the recall election is held, if the number of voters eligible to vote at that next regularly scheduled election equal at least 50 percent of all the voters eligible to vote at the recall election.

    (c) If the majority vote on the question is to recall, the officer is removed and, if there is a candidate, the candidate who receives a plurality is the successor. The officer may not be a candidate, nor shall there be any candidacy for an office filled pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 16 of Article VI.

    (Sec. 15 amended Nov. 8, 1994, by Prop. 183. Res.Ch. 59, 1994.)

    SEC. 16.

    The Legislature shall provide for circulation, filing, and certification of petitions, nomination of candidates, and the recall election.

    (Sec. 16 added June 8, 1976, by Prop. 14. Res.Ch. 5, 1976.)

    SEC. 17.

    If recall of the Governor or Secretary of State is initiated, the recall duties of that office shall be performed by the Lieutenant Governor or Controller, respectively.

    (Sec. 17 added June 8, 1976, by Prop. 14. Res.Ch. 5, 1976.)

    SEC. 18.

    A state officer who is not recalled shall be reimbursed by the State for the officer’s recall election expenses legally and personally incurred. Another recall may not be initiated against the officer until six months after the election.

    (Sec. 18 added June 8, 1976, by Prop. 14. Res.Ch. 5, 1976, and Res.Ch. 24, Amdts. 4 and 5.)

    SEC. 19.

    The Legislature shall provide for recall of local officers. This section does not affect counties and cities whose charters provide for recall.

    (Sec. 19 added June 8, 1976, by Prop. 14. Res.Ch. 5, 1976.)

  12. There will almost certainly be multiple democrats, multiple republicans, and lots of third party and independent candidates running. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but how many votes they get won’t matter unless part 1, in favor of recalling the current governor, gets a majority. At this time polling shows it will fail but that could change as the campaign shapes up. Because there will be multiple democrats and republicans running there’s less incentive to vote for third party candidates. But even if third party candidates do well collectively they probably won’t do well individually since there will be so many of them. It’s quite possible and even likely that there will be multiple libertarians, multiple greens, etc. The party infrastructures can endorse one but don’t have a lot in the way of resources to promote their choice.

    Before you get to that stage they still have quite a few more signatures to get in the next month. Getting 1.5 million valid signatures will probably require gathering over 2 million raw signatures. The effort appears to be gaining momentum so it’s likely they will get enough signatures but it’s yet to be seen if the actual recall vote succeeds and if it does which of the multiple democrats and republicans will win.

  13. @DR,

    But see California statutes to see what is impaled and certifying signatures. You probably naively believe thar certified is just when the signatures have been counted.

  14. JR —
    ALL red commie *laws* in CA for decades – via the ANTI-Democracy CA gerrymander commission and gerrymander districts.

    PR and APPV

  15. Lord Vulpes,

    The special election would take place at the same time as the recall. The first part of the ballot asks voters if they want to recall the sitting governor or retain him. The second part asks who the replacement should be if there is to be a replacement. If the vote on the first part is to retain the current governor the second part of the ballot is moot.

  16. It’s highly unlikely there will be another GOP gov in CA anytime soon, recall or no recall.

  17. The first commenter ignores the fact that the recall had double the normal time to collect signatures due to covid related litigation. It had less than 750,000 raw signatures by the original deadline.

  18. (Do-lang-do-lang-do-lang)
    He’s so fine
    Wish he were mine
    That handsome boy over there
    The one with the wavy hair
    I don’t know how I’m gonna do it
    But, I’m gonna make him mine
    He’s the envy of all the girls
    It’s just a matter of time

    He’s a soft-spoken guy
    Also, seems kinda shy
    Makes me wonder if I
    Should even give him a try?
    But then I know he can’t shy
    He can’t shy away forever
    And, I’m gonna make him mine
    If it takes me forever

    He’s so fine
    (Oh, yeah)
    Gotta be mine
    (Oh, yeah)
    Sooner or later
    (Oh, yeah)
    I hope it’s not later
    (Oh, yeah)
    We got to get together
    (Oh, yeah)
    The sooner, the better
    (Oh, yeah)
    I just can’t wait
    I just can’t wait
    To be held in his arms

    If I were a queen
    And, he asked me to leave my throne
    I’d do anything that he asked
    Anything to make him my own

    For he’s so fine
    (So fine)
    So fine
    (So fine)
    So fine
    (So fine)
    So fine
    (So fine)
    So fine
    (So fine)
    Oh, yeah
    (So fine)
    So fine

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