Arizona Supreme Court Still Hasn’t Explained Why it Removed Kanye West from the November 2020 Ballot

On September 8, 2020, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that Kanye West should not be on the November 2020 ballot as an independent for president, even though it appeared he had more than enough signatures. The court did not explain why it did that, but said, “An opinion will follow.”

It has now been almost six months, and the court has not yet issued its explanation. The basis seems to be that his candidates for presidential elector did not file campaign finance documents, yet no presidential elector candidates had ever before been required to file such documents, and the Secretary of State’s website, which has very clear instructions for independent presidential candidates, did not say the elector candidates need to file such documents.


Arizona Supreme Court Still Hasn’t Explained Why it Removed Kanye West from the November 2020 Ballot — 6 Comments

  1. Must be the failure to file financial documents, like you said. Just not applied consistency.

  2. The U S government relies on the superstition that elections are free, fair and legitimate to obtain the obedience of citizens. In the pursuit of justice superstition ain’t the way.

  3. It was a dirty thing to do and they have yet to come up with a decent sounding excuse as to why they did it.

    By James Ogle [One], volunteer vote counter

    Rather than bringing lawsuits against others perhaps the Arizona Libertarian Party should look in the mirror to see how unfair and unacceptable our own voting has been and then switch strategy to instead demonstrate teamwork so to attract confidence and collaboration.

    The latest guidelines for voting on polls, a peaceful decision-making alternative to force and violence, the Los Angeles County Mini-state;

    My name is James Ogle and I approve of this ad.
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    Free to Be Happy
    By CEO Buck Rogers [Conservative]

    Please don’t assume that a person that is smiling is happy, dont assume that a person that looks healthy really is, don’t assume that a person that looks successful has it all figured out, don’t assume that a person that has power doesn’t have needs, don’t assume that the person in the grocery shop that doesn’t treat you right, or the guy that cut in front of you while driving are bad people. The more I understand, everyone is trapped in their own delusions, in their own past, in their own anger, in their own sadness, and that we all need each other, and that we all are the same…sometimes is hard to reach out to others because “we dont know them”, but if we know a little about ourselves, we know everyone else, we all have exactly the same thoughts and same desire: we all look for being happy and being free from suffering! Lets look at everyone today with these 2 things in mind…anyone accept this challenge? just for the next 12 hours!:).
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