
Working Families Party Has Its Own Response to Joe Biden’s Speecn — 16 Comments


    22 state Republican AGs send letter arguing DC statehood is ‘unconstitutional’
    By Ronn Blitzer, Fox News
    April 13, 2021 | 1:17pm | Updated

    Republican attorneys general from around the country came together in opposition to congressional Democrats’ efforts to make Washington, DC, a state, sending a letter to President Biden and congressional leaders claiming that the proposed legislation is unconstitutional.
    Another commie reason to pack SCOTUS with more commies —
    approved by the Biden commie-in-chief ???

  2. please clean up your room and please lift up the seat when you pee

  3. The postal spying was done by Trump (formerly a guy) fash against BLM, ignoramus.

    If something was to happen to Manchin, he would be replaced by a Republican, and McConnell would be a majority leader again. Not in Democratic interests, ignoramus.

    Biden is not a communist, ignoramus. Mainstream Democrats are not communists, ignoramus.

    Expanding the court is not “packing,” ignoramus, and is overdue for many reasons – number of circuits, expanded number of cases now before the court, and correcting for the Republican bias in the Senate and Electoral College which has caused a Supreme Court tilted far further to the right than what most American voters want and voted for.

  4. Biden is a propped up corpse. Literally. Kamala Harris is a deportable illegal alien invader. The military needs to remove them now, take our country back from the Chicom coup as they are sworn to do, and bring back Trump as soon as possible. Now would be good.

  5. More trolls/morons for statist commie Biden or statist fascist Trump ???

  6. All real working families support Trump. These commies are anti-family and too lazy to work. They should he called the Too Lazy To Work Anti-Family Party.

  7. Apparently the photo belongs to someone named Will Klatt.

    Who is Will Klatt? He seems to be a leftist activist from Ohio. He has commented on this blog before.

    Did Will Klatt make the troll post above as “Demo reps mom” or is someone framing him? Is Will Klatt responsible for some of the trolling on this site?

  8. What we need in America is easier ballot access for third parties and each legitimate third political party should be allowed on television for a free 15 minute rebuttal to the Presidents speech. That would be true democracy.

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