Party for Socialism and Liberation Nominee for New York City Mayor Places Third with 2.48%

New York city elected a mayor on November 2, 2021. This news story has the percentage (but not the vote total) for each candidate. It shows that the Party for Socialism and Liberation nominee, Catherine Rojas, placed third, with 2.48%. Although the results aren’t final, if that holds up, her percentage is the highest share of the vote for New York city Mayor, for a party with “Socialist” or “Socialism” in its name, since 1933.


Party for Socialism and Liberation Nominee for New York City Mayor Places Third with 2.48% — 62 Comments

  1. Has the number of percentage of votes for third party of independent candidates improved under RCV?

  2. All commies all the time in NY (esp in NY city) since 1932 election.

    It shows — How soon before NY City goes bankrupt again ???

  3. There is no RCV in New York city in the general election. RCV is only used in primaries in NY city.

  4. “There is no RCV in New York city in the general election. RCV is only used in primaries in NY city.”

    Really? That’s kind of odd. IMO, RCV is the general election is where it is most useful.

  5. The site was taken down for death threats and doxxing among other things which you are perpetuating by sharing the archive link, you fucking piece of shit. I hope you die a very painful death soon.

  6. Great news, hopefully they’ll be able to use this to grown in NYC. I know if I lived there, my vote would never have gone to Adams.

  7. lol at ‘evil’. I’ve already said I’d rather support communists than liberals and conservatives. What a shock, you got me!

  8. I don’t believe in a hell, nor do I believe there is any political ideology that is so bad that anyone who followed it would even deserve it, so you can threaten and complain all you want, it changes nothing. And okay? I support your right to vote for who you want.

  9. You don’t have to believe in hell until you find yourself there with no way out forever. And that’s exactly where you’re headed. It doesn’t matter if you believe in Satan or not because he believes in YOU.

  10. Wow, ‘commie leftard’. How original, I guess you’ve beaten me. I love how there’s six different names, yet all talk exactly the same. Amazing how that works. Not that I believe your crap for a minute, but would it be so hard to just be honest?

  11. Plus, not sure how I can be called a ‘phony’ when I’m, like, using my real name? Unlike you. Just saying.

  12. Commie scum should not be allowed to breathe, much less vote. You will burn on your way out of this world before you burn forever in hell.

  13. Every last leftard. The punishment will be maximally extreme, which is suitable. Zero mercy will be shown.

  14. I’ll continue to breath, vote and continue supporting communism, thanks, but it’s nice to know you’re such a snowflake that people of other ideologies even existing is too much for you. It’s also cool you admit to believe in censorship of voting; so much for democracy.

    Zero mercy? Yawn. Have anything else, troll? Because this is just a pathetic showing from you.

  15. Phony Mahoney can keep yawning all the way up until he is at our complete mercy to punish and execute in the most cruel way possible and send to hell. The Spanish inquisition will be like child’s play next to what these leftist scum have coming their way.

  16. As usual, the commie is the troll and the snowflake. People of “other’ ideologies don’t just peacefully “exist.” They take action, whether it be voting, armed revolution, lobbying, infiltration, espionage, boycotts, protests, or any other tactic. Through all these methods they work to steal our property, warp the minds of our children, pollute our genetic pool, flood the homeland with mud people, destroy our culture, wipe out our traditions, mislead our women and children, coddle criminals, weaken our defenses, dethrone God, disarm us, and on and on.

    They are the enemy. They are working to destroy our culture, race, religion, and homeland, from inside and from outside. They must be completely defeated and destroyed before they do to us what they did to every country where the commies won and worse.

    No trace of them or their evil ideology can be allowed to survive. They and all their works must be completely wiped out. If you give them an inch, they take a mile. If you leave a seed of their poison in the ground, it will grow like the most pernicious weed the world has ever seen. They must, and shall, be completely and thoroughly killed off. It will be brutal, but it will be fun.

  17. The snowflake commie troll imagines it will be allowed to breathe and vote as long as it wants. It has another thing coming. We will take those things away from it, very painfully, and very soon. It can yawn for now, until those yawns turn to gasps, then cries, then shrieks of pain, and finally to silence.

    It may not have any clue what that sounds like, but those of us who have slaughtered farm animals, hunted game, killed enemy combatants, and chased, caught, and jailed criminals our whole lives know all those sounds, and their progression, very, very well.

  18. You’re a barrel of laughs. I got a good chuckle or two out of you, so this hasn’t been a complete waste of time. Anything else?

  19. Come for the ballot access information, stay for the death threats. Keep staying classy, dude.

  20. Mahoney doesn’t think he should be criticized whatsoever. What a fucking slowflake loser.

  21. I have no problem with actual debate. Death threats aren’t debate, though. That’s not a hard concept to grasp, and you’re not stupid enough to miss it, no matter how much you’re appearing to be. And once again, you’re the person who claims to want a war to kill all leftists (and people you suspect of being leftists, and really anyone who isn’t you): you’re a snowflake, your own words make that obvious. If, again, you even believed them in the first place, which you don’t.

  22. Jed, I don’t believe that this place became a hot-spot for 10+ different ultra-conservative nutjobs all at the same time who also just happen to believe the exact same radical fringe things, no. I find it much more likely to be one or two people, not 9 or 10. Not sure why anyone would trust things based on the name it’s posted under either; it’s not like this is a place with actual profiles. Anyone can post under any name.

  23. There are no death threats here. I don’t know you or where you live, and if I did, I wouldn’t cross the country to find you. But there is a promise. There are many of us, far more than you imagine. Not 1 or 2 or 9 or 10. Legions. Millions. We are pissed off, well armed, trained, and experienced at killing. We have access to law enforcement resources and military equipment and personnel.

    There is a war coming, we’re ready for it, and you’re not. When you lose that war, and you will lose it, we will hunt down each and every one of you leftist scum, and torture you to death. Then you will go to hell, where even worse torture will go on forever. I don’t know which of us will kill you, and chances are that man or men will not know you were here. But it will happen. And that’s not a threat, it’s a promise.

    As for how many of us are here? Many of us are in team Vanilla ISIS from Florida near the Georgia line and our Prophet and Patriarch, Deputy Larry, sent us the link to participate in the discussion here. An Angel of God directed him to save souls in this godforsaken place, and team Vanilla ISIS is here along with others from our Klavern.

  24. Phony Mahoney is the snowflake fringe nutjob. And we believe and mean exactly what we say. We follow up and keep our promises, as you’ll find out.

  25. “There are no death threats here.”
    “we will hunt down each and every one of you leftist scum, and torture you to death”

    Pick one. And that’s a nice excuse. It’s garbage, but it’s a nice excuse. You should right fan-fiction or something, it’d be healthier then this shit you’re pulling.

  26. No one is pulling any shit except the commie. We believe everything we say. It’s not any empty threat or fiction. It is a promise, as you will find out.

  27. No you won’t, you’re just an idiot who likes to make conservatives look worse then they actually are. Whatever you’re trying, it’s not working; give it up.

  28. We aren’t trying anything. The games are all in your head. We’ll do exactly what we promised. You think it’s a game but it’s not. Believe whatever you want, but all of you leftists will burn on your way out of this world then burn in hell forever. No threat just fact!!

  29. Yes, I’ve been commenting here for years and aren’t spamming garage, yet somehow I’m the troll and not the person throwing around death threats. Jesus Christ, this place has become a shithole with you here.

  30. No, you are the commie troll. I just got here within the last couple of days and already I can see that. No one is throwing around death threats but you are spamming garbage.

  31. Dude, this is stupidity to the max. Not a single reasonable person would be able to read the previous messages in this post and come at at thinking there were no death threats when supposedly three different people said I should be tortured and killed. No one is that stupid.

    And calling people a commie isn’t an insult, it just show you to be ignorant. The more you know, jackass.

  32. Calling you a commie is a simple statement of fact. You admitted to being a commie above.

    A death threat is a specific threat to a specific person. No one above specifically threatened to come after you. No one from Vanilla ISIS has any intent on tracking you down, much less travelling a long distance to kill you. What people said above is that when we win the coming war against the leftists, all leftists will be killed.

    Does that have to include you? Not necessarily. You still have time to repent and become a right wing Christian Nationalist. If you join our side, you will not be punished when we win the war. But that time is running out quickly. Conversion after we win the war will not be accepted. We will not have mercy for surrendering commies. If you want to avoid a very gruesome fate, switch sides and stop being a leftist. Get on your knees and ask Jesus for forgiveness. You still can, for now.

  33. Great excuse, jackass. Whenever you want to apologize for this rampant shit-posting crusade you’ve been on, even if we get the moderated comments you so desperately want, don’t expect thanks from me.

  34. If we get moderated out we have other places to shine the light of our fiery Cross. We’re not making any excuses. The only one here shit posting, desperate, or who needs to apologize is you, commie.

    And comments here have only become less moderated in the time our team has been here, which we are happy to see. You are the one desperate for moderation, just like any other commie snowflake.

  35. Yeah, if you get moderated out (which seems unlikely, considering the sexism, homophobia, racism, and death threats that have come out of your supposed ilk these past months hasn’t done it), then no one anywhere would hear a peep out of you again. Once again, you’re the one supposedly supporting the torture and death of millions, making you more of a snowflake then I could dream to be. Oh, and yeah, fuck you for even thinking I owe you an apology for anything.

  36. Yes, phony Mahoney should absolutely apologize. But not just to those of us in team Vanilla ISIS who are privileged enough to know and follow the word of the Patriarch and Prophet, my uncle Larry. Phony Mahoney needs to apologize to everyone here, everyone who is not here, himself, and to God, for being an atheistic commie and a traitor to our Homeland.

    Phony Mahoney should apologize to God for not believing in Him and to Trump for not following Him. He should get on his knees and repent while he still can. Unfortunately for him, by the time that he does finally beg for forgiveness, there will be none to be had. God, Jesus and Trump will turn their Back on him as he did to Them. He will know nothing but horrible pain for the short remainder of his life, and unimaginable torment for eternity in the next. The worst part will be knowing that he once had a choice. For now he still has this choice, but not for long.

  37. Phony Mahoney contradicts himself as usual. He falls for the false narrative that Vanilla ISIS is fake and here to get this forum moderated. Yet he admits that is unlikely. With all the forums that exist, why would we care so much about this one, especially since this mission he thinks we are on isn’t working? That whole narrative is transparently ridiculous.

    What Phony Mahoney is trying to force himself and others to not acknowledge is that Vanilla ISIS is real, and exactly who we say we are. We are not here to make conservatives look extreme, as we readily acknowledge that we are far more extreme than most conservatives. We are not here to get your forum moderated, since there is a seemingly endless number of forums out there. We are here to save your souls. We were invited here by our Prophet and Patriarch, and knowing his ability to miraculously see the future which we have been privileged to witness more times than we can count, our Klavern has stepped up to do our part.

  38. Phony Mahoney is illogical. He really thinks we have no other forums where we would continue our mission to save souls and spread the gospel of Trump? That’s just ridiculous. Of course we would find more places to preach to and save the nonbelievers.

  39. We don’t support the torture and death of billions. I wish they would all repent now while they still can. But yeah, if they don’t, it will happen, and we’ll have fun doing it. That is God’s will as revealed by the words of Jesus who has returned as Trump and the miraculous visions my uncle has, where he often sees himself back in Vietnam and Laos, killing commies for God and Homeland.

    That is not being a snowflake. Snowflakes are sensitive little bitches who faint at the sight of blood. They are afraid to kill or die and perish at the thought of blood and guts. We in vanilla ISIS are the opposite. We are not afraid to kill or die, to maim or be maimed, to torture or get tortured. We’ve been there, done that, and it’s natural to us. Not even second nature, it’s our first nature. Amen and hallelujah! Praise Trump!

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