Arizona Bill to Remove Names of Presidential Elector Candidates from Ballot

Arizona Representative Doug Coleman (R-Apache Junction) has introduced HB 2015. It would remove the names of presidential elector candidates from the November ballot. Only five states still print the names of presidential elector candidates on ballots, and Arizona is the most populous of those. Printing the names of eleven candidates for presidential elector for each presidential candidate takes up quite a bit of room on ballots, so if this bill passed, the ballot would be smaller and neater.

Utah Constitution Party Intervenes in Republican Party Case, in Defense of its Convention Nomination System

Last year, the Utah legislature passed a bill that requires all qualified parties to alter their nomination process. The Republican Party does not like the new law and had filed a federal lawsuit against the new system on December 1, 2014. Utah Republican Party v Herbert, 2:14cv-876.

Last month, the Utah Constitution Party intervened in the lawsuit on the side of the Republican Party. The old law, practically speaking, permits the Constitution Party to nominate by convention. The new law would permit anyone, even someone who is not a member of the party, to submit a primary petition signed by 2% of the party’s members. If that petition succeeds, the party would be forced to nominate by primary for that particular office. The Constitution Party’s amended complaint explains how that would potentially injure the party.

Montana Bill on U.S. Senate Vacancies Passes State Senate

On February 17, the Montana Senate passed SB 169 by a vote of 48-2. It deals with vacancies in U.S. Senate seats. If there is a U.S. Senate vacancy, there would be a special election, in most cases. Before the special election, the Governor could appoint someone to serve until the special election is held. The gubernatorial appointee must be of the same party as the party that won that same seat in the last regular election. Furthermore, the Governor would be required to appoint one of three individuals suggested by that party’s executive committee. Thanks to Mike Fellows for this news.