New York Conservative Party is Unhappy that Rob Astorino is Going Ahead with “Reform Party”

This article says that Rob Astorino, the Republican nominee for Governor of New York last year, is going ahead with plans to change the name of his puppet party, “Stop Common Core Party”, to “Reform Party.” The story also says the Conservative Party of New York asked him not do this, but to no effect.

Oklahoma Ballot Access Bills Set for Legislative Hearing on Wednesday, February 18

The Oklahoma House Elections & Ethics Committee will hear HB 2181 and HB 1813 on Wednesday morning, February 18. Both of these bills lower the number of signatures for newly-qualifying parties. HB 2818 lowers it from 5% of the last vote cast to 1% of the last vote cast. HB 1813 lowers it to exactly 5,000 signatures. Thanks to Richard Prawdzienski for this news.

Political Scientist Eric McGhee Analyzes Whether California’s Top-Two System has Caused Democratic Legislators to be More Pro-Business

Political scientist Eric McGhee has this article posted at Mischiefs of Faction. It presents his research on whether the top-two system has caused Democrats in the California legislature to be more pro-business. He concludes that there is no evidence that top-two has changed the behavior of Democratic legislators, relative to business interests.