Mississippi Congressman Alan Nunnelee Dies

On February 6, Mississippi Republican Congressman Alan Nunnelee died at the age of 56. Mississippi law requires the Governor to call a special election, and the Governor must choose the date within 60 days after the seat becomes vacant. In the November 2014 election, Congressman Nunnelee was re-elected in the First District, defeating his Democratic opponent by 102,622 to 43,713. A Libertarian in that 2014 race polled 3,830 votes, and a Reform Party nominee polled 946 votes.

Mississippi special elections are non-partisan, with no party labels on the ballot.

Tennessee Republican Party Committee Decides Not to Push for a Closed Primary for Itself

On February 7, the state executive committee of the Tennessee Republican Party rejected a proposal for the party to work for a closed primary for itself. Tennessee has always had open primaries; the voter registration form has never asked applicants to choose a party or to choose independent status. The vote was 37-29. See this story.

Congressional Bill to Let Small Contributors to Campaigns Deduct 50% From Their Income Tax

Congressman John Sarbanes (D-Maryland) has introduced HR 20. It would let taxpayers who make small contributions to congressional candidates, or to political parties, deduct 50% of the amount of the contribution from federal income tax. The bill has 141 co-sponsors. All are Democrats except for Walter B. Jones, a Republican from North Carolina.

Merlin Miller, 2012 Presidential Nominee of American Third Position, Forms American Eagle Party

Merlin Miller has formed a new party, called the American Eagle Party. Miller had been the 2012 presidential nominee of American Third Position, which later changed its name to the American Freedom Party. Although many leaders of the American Freedom Party have now left it to create the American Eagle Party, the American Freedom Party has not been dissolved.

The American Eagle Party says it stands for (1) ending U.S. involvement in wars around the world; (2) curtailing immigration; (3) reclaiming constitutional rights for citizens; (4) improving the national economy. The Nationalist Times supports the American Eagle Party and has this article about its founding.