Ohio Legislature Passes Constitutional Amendment to Improve Districting Process for State Legislature

On December 12, the Ohio legislature passed HJR 12. It will be presented to the voters in the November 2015 election. It would require that state legislative districts be drawn so as not to favor or disfavor any particular party. It would also require the district boundaries to avoid splitting neighborhoods, cities, and towns, except when necessary. If it passes, it would still leave redistricting in the hands of elected state politicians, including the legislature and some of the statewide elected executive posts.

Secretaries of State of Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi Favor Moving Their Presidential Primaries to an Earlier Date

According to this article, the Secretaries of State of Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi have indicated that they favor moving their presidential primaries to March 1, 2016.

Under the existing laws in each state, the 2016 presidential primary (and the primary for all other office as well) in Alabama and Mississippi is March 8, and the Arkansas primary is May 24.

Already, Alabama and Arkansas are in court over whether their petition deadlines for either minor parties, or independent candidates, are too early. Since both states key those deadines to the date of their primaries, making the suggested date changes would make the deadlines even more susceptible to court challenge. Thanks to PoliticalWire for the link.

U.S. House Passes Bill that Permits Bigger Contributions to Political Party National Committees

On December 11, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill that funds the government for the next period, and also changes federal campaign finance law to allow bigger donations to political party national committees. However, the larger donation limits only apply to segregated political party funds involving paying for national conventions, lawsuits, and headquarters buildings. See this story.

The bill is likely to pass the Senate as well, because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid supports it, and President Obama has said he will sign it if it reaches him.