Oregon Initiative Supporters File Lawsuit Over Disqualified Ballots

Oregon Measure 92, for labeling genetically altered foods, lost by 812 votes last month, and a recount is underway. On December 8 the initiative’s supporters filed a lawsuit in state court, arguing that 4,600 ballots weren’t counted because election officials felt the signature on the outer envelope of the mail-in ballot doesn’t match the signature on the voter registration form. Some of the plaintiffs are voters whose ballots weren’t counted. They point out that the appearance of their signatures has changed over the years. See this story.

When a voter’s ballot is rejected because the signature appears not to match, that voter is supposed to be notified, and is given until November 18 to come into the office. But many voters say they were not informed their ballot had been rejected.

Rare Win for an Indiana Independent Candidate

On November 4, Indiana independent candidate Mark Smith was elected to the Montgomery County Council in district 3. Here is a link to the election returns. Click on the link that says, “2014 General Final Election Returns.” The results are: Mark Smith, independent, 1,229 votes; Gayle Lough, Republican, 1,183 votes.

Montgomery County is in west central Indiana. The largest town and county seat is Crawfordsville.

Independent candidates are very rare in Indiana. Indiana is one of only three states in which no independent candidate has ever appeared on the ballot for statewide office, other than president (the other two such states are North Carolina and New Mexico). Indiana greatly disadvantages independent candidates because it has a straight-ticket device. Independent candidates do not have their own straight-ticket device. Furthermore, independent candidates are put in the extreme far-right column, a column which has no logo. The party columns have a party logo.

The election was close, but not in the range in which a recount would normally be requested (the percentages work out to 51%-49%). Nevertheless, the local Republican Party has requested a recount. See this story.

California Official Election Returns to be Released on December 12

The California Secretary of State’s “Statement of Votes” for November 2014 will be posted on her web page on Friday, December 12. Although the semi-official results are on the web page now, there is a lot of data that is not revealed in the semi-official results, especially regarding turnout and the number of blank ballots for certain races.

Illinois Legislature Passes Omnibus Election Law Bill After Deleting Provision that Would Have Injured Ballot Access

On December 3, the Illinois legislature passed SB 172, after deleting an amendment that would have injured ballot access. The bill expands election-day registration, and also increases the period of time in which early voting may take place. On December 2 the bill had been amended to delete the ability of qualified parties to nominate someone by party meeting (assuming no one had run in the primary for that party, for that office). But after that amendment got bad publicity in Gapers Block, an on-line Chicago newspaper, that provision was removed from the bill. Thanks to Phil Huckelberry for this news.