Outgoing 113th Congress Spent Little Time on Election Law Bills

As the 113th Congress elected in 2012 fades into history, one observes that little attention was paid to election law bills.

HR 20, the bill for public funding for candidates for the U.S. House, gathered 160 co-sponsors, but they included only one Republican. Despite this impressive number of co-sponsors, the bill got almost no publicity and never had a hearing.

HR 5334, the bill to establish top-two elections for Congress throughout the United States, got virtually no publicity and no hearing. It was sponsored by John Delaney (D-Maryland) and had only two co-sponsors, Jared Polis (D-Colorado) and Derek Kilmer (D-Washington).

Filing to Run for Chicago Office Closes Monday, November 24

Chicago holds an election for city office, including the three citywide offices, in February 2015. The petition filing deadline is Monday, November 24. Citywide candidates need 12,500 valid signatures. See this story, which explains the difficulty of obtaining these signatures for candidates who are not backed by the Democratic Party organization. The elections are non-partisan but the Democratic Party still has a very large influence in the process.