U.S. Supreme Court Sets Oral Argument Date for Case Involving Outdoor Signs

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear Reed v Town of Gilbert on January 12, 2015. This is the case challenging restrictions on outdoor signs. Although it is not an election law case, all First Amendment cases inevitably affect election law. The Ninth Circuit had upheld the town’s restrictions on signs, both as to size, and as to how long they may remain up. The case was brought by a church that doesn’t have its own church building and depends on signs to inform the public of where its services are.

Constitution Party Wins One Partisan Office in Louisiana, Likely to Win a Second in December 6 Run-Off

On November 4, Constitution Party member Ronnie Broughton was re-elected to the Webster Parish, Louisiana School Board, in a partisan election. Because he was unopposed, that office in his district was omitted from the ballot.

Also on November 4, Constitution Party member Randy Fontenot placed first in a partisan election for Police Chief of Eunice, Louisiana. He was opposed by two Democrats and two Republicans, and got 40.8% of the total vote. Because no one got 50%, he is in the December 6 run-off against a Democrat. He is likely to win because his Democratic opponent only got 23% of the vote in November. Because the Constitution Party is not ballot-qualified in Louisiana, Fontenot’s name was on the ballot with no party label whatsoever next to his name. He is a registered member of the Constitution Party, and in November 2012, was the lead presidential elector candidate for the Constitution Party.

Libertarians Won Eight Partisan Elections on November 4, but All But One Were by Default

Libertarian Party nominees for partisan office won eight elections on November 4, but only one was contested. In the other races, the number of candidates on the ballot equaled the number of candidates to be elected.

1. Jacob Faught was elected Constable of Benton County, Arkansas, in Township 5.
2. Cheryl Heacox was re-elected to the Clay Township Board in Wayne County, Indiana. Three were to be elected and only three candidates ran (one Libertarian and two Republicans).
3. Stephen Coffman was re-elected to the Liberty Township Board in Henry County, Indiana. Three were to be elected and only three candidates ran (one Libertarian, one Democrat, and one Republican).
4. Tracey Roberts was elected Magistrate of Marshall County, Kentucky.
5. Shannon Denniston was elected Magistrate of Montgomery County, Kentucky
6. William McBride was elected to the Washington, Louisiana town council, in a contested election. He defeated his Republican opponent 81-57.
7. Henry Herford was elected Constable in Justice of the Peace district one in Franklin Parish, Louisiana.
8. Justin Bonnette was elected Justice of the Peace in ward six in Vernon Parish, Louisiana.