Virgin Islands State Senator Removed from Ballot on October 24 May Have Won on Write-in Votes

On October 24, the Virgin Islands Supreme Court removed State Senator Alicia “Chucky” Hansen from the ballot, because it thought she doesn’t meet the qualifications to be a Senator, even though she had just served two terms in the Senate. Instead of appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court, or any federal court, Hansen ran as a write-in candidate. According to this story, those votes haven’t been tallied yet.

The story also reveals that the two independent candidates for Governor of the territory polled over 14%.

Indiana Petition Requirement for 2016 and 2018 Will be Lowest Since 1983

Indiana requires minor party and independent candidates to submit a petition of 2% of the last Secretary of State’s vote. Indiana’s official election agency has this link to November 2014 election returns. Although the totals aren’t final, it appears that the 2016 and 2018 petition for statewide candidates will be approximately 26,500 signatures. That is the lowest total since the old petition requirement was in effect. The old requirement was one-half of 1% of the Secretary of State’s vote. The legislature quadrupled the percentage in 1980, effective 1983.

The 2012-2014 requirement was 34,195 signatures; 2008-2010 was 32,742; 2004-2006 was 29,553; 2000-2002 was 30,717; 1996-1998 was 29,822; 1992-1994 was 29,909; 1988-1990 was 31,077; 1984-1986 was 35,040. No statewide petition in Indiana has succeeded since 2000, when Pat Buchanan petitioned for president. Indiana is one of four states in which Ralph Nader never appeared on the ballot.