Mike Huckabee Says if Republican Party Doesn’t Fight Same-Sex Marriage, He will Become an Independent

Mike Huckabee recently said in a speech that if the Republican Party doesn’t continue to vigorously fight same-sex marriage, he will leave the party and become an independent. See this story.

In 2008, Huckabee ran for the Republican presidential nomination and polled the third highest number of popular votes in Republican presidential primaries. He received 4,191,028 votes, just behind second-place finisher Mitt Romney, who got 4,525,616. John McCain, who got the 2008 nomination, polled 9,862,865.

Double Victories for Opponents of Government-Photo I.D. for Voters at Polls

On October 9, opponents of strict government-photo I.D. requirements for voting at the polls scored two victories.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Wisconsin cannot require such I.D. for the November 4, 2014 election. Here is the one-page order in Frank v Walker, 14A352.

Also, U.S. District Court Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos ruled the Texas law on that subject unconstitutional and in violation of the federal Voting Rights Act. Veasey v Perry, southern dist., 13-cv-193. Judge Ramos is an Obama appointee. Here is the 143-page opinion, with a 4-page appendix. Thanks to Justin Levitt for the link.

C-SPAN Broadcasts Colorado Gubernatorial Debate for Alternative Candidates

So far, neither the Democratic nor Republican nominee for Colorado Governor has been willing to debate any of the other candidates on the ballot. However, on the evening of October 8, Free & Equal sponsored a debate which was attended by independent candidate Mike Dunafon, Green Party nominee Harry Hempy, and Libertarian nominee Matthew Hess. See this story. C-SPAN carried the debate.

Adrian Wyllie Files Lawsuit to Gain Admission to October 15 Florida Gubernatorial Debate

On October 8, Adrian Wyllie, Libertarian nominee for Governor of Florida, filed a federal lawsuit to gain admittance into the October 15 debate, which is being sponsored by many news organization. Wyllie for Governor Campaign v Leadership Florida Statewide Community Foundation, sou. dist., 14cv-62322.

The Complaint charges that some of the organizations sponsoring the debate set a requirement that candidates must be at 12% in the polls. When that percentage was set, Wyllie was below 12%. But since then, several neutral polls have showed him above 12%, and some have shown him at 14%. The Complaint argues that after Wyllie met the 12% standard, the standard was raised to 15%.

The case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge James I. Cohn, an appointee of George W. Bush. He sits in Fourt Lauderdale. Here is the 25-page Complaint.