U.S. District Court Hears Libertarian Lawsuit Over U.S. Senate Debate

On October 9, U.S. District Court Judge Gregory Van Tatenhove held a hearing in Libertarian National Committee v Holliday, eastern district, 3:14cv-63. This is the case over whether Kentucky Educational TV excluded David Patterson, Libertarian nominee for U.S. Senate, because of his views, not because of his poll standing. The debate is set for October 13 so a decision will come fairly soon. See this story, which was written while the hearing was going on and thus does not say very much about what was said. The hearing is in Lexington and started at 9 a.m.

John D. Arnold, Hedge Fund Manager Who Specialized in Natural Gas Trading, Gives $1,500,000 to Help Pass Top-Two in Oregon

John D. Arnold is a Texas resident who was a hedge fund manager for Enron. During 2001, he is credited with having earned approximately $750,000,000 in profits for Enron. When Enron collapsed in 2002, Arnold founded a new company. He is a billionaire. See this wikipedia page about him.

On September 17, Arnold donated $500,000 to a new committee formed to support the Oregon top-two system, Measure 90. The new committee is “Open Primaries Committee”. The president is John Opdycke, director of development at CUIP (the Committee for a Unified Independent Party), which was formerly known as the New Alliance Party.

On October 1, Arnold gave another $1,000,000 to the Open Primaries Committee. Part of the money ($50,000) was then donated to CUIP for “outreach” on behalf of Measure 90. Here is a link to the Oregon state government campaign finance web page for this committee.

Appeal for Help to Readers

If you learn of a candidate’s debate in which at least one minor party or independent candidate is included, and at least one major party nominee participated, and this web page hasn’t mentioned that debate, please e-mail me at richardwinger@yahoo.com. However, this request only applies to debates for statewide office (not U.S. House, unless it is an at-large U.S. House seat).

The November 1 2014 printed Ballot Access News will list these debates. Previous print issues from November of mid-term years have traditionally contained such a list. Thank you very much.