Chicago Sun-Times Article on Tactics Being Used in Challenge to Libertarian Party Statewide Petition

This Chicago Sun-Times story says the challengers to the Libertarian Party of Illinois statewide petition, having failed to invalidate enough individual signatures, are trying to invalidate all the work of certain petitioners. The story features Brian Lambrecht, chair of the DuPage County Libertarian Party. The challengers are trying to argue that all the 1,400 signatures he collected should be invalidated because, they say, he is not registered at the correct address, a contention which he strongly disputes.

U.S. District Court in Pennsylvania Sets July 31 Hearing Date in Ballot Access Case

On July 29, U.S. District Court Judge Stewart Dalzell set a hearing for July 31, at 10 a.m., in courtroom 15B, for Green Party of Pennsylvania v Aichele, eastern district, 2:14cv-3299. The hearing is at the U.S. District Courthouse in Philadelphia. The Green and Libertarian Parties will present witnesses and will argue for an injunction on these issues: (1) the ban on out-of-state circulators; (2) the notarization requirement; (3) the rule against mixing signatures from residents of different counties on the same sheet, given that the state has its own statewide database of registered voters; (4) the requirement that each petition signer include the year in the “date signed” column; (5) whether the election law, read by its plain words, means that anyone eligible to register to vote (and not just registered voters) may sign petitions. Thanks to Bill Redpath for this news. Bill Redpath, who has collected tens of thousands of signatures for the Libertarian Party in many states, and who wants to work in Pennsylvania (even though he is a Virginia resident) will be one of the witnesses.

Idaho Republicans Forced to Turn to State Court for a Ruling as to Who is State Chairman of Party

According to this story, an Idaho trial court in Twins Falls has ruled that Barry Peterson is no longer state chair of the Idaho Republican Party. His term expired earlier this year but the recent state convention adjourned without voting on new party officers. Peterson argued that this means he was impliedly re-elected, but the judge disagreed.

Former West Virginia County Commissioner Hopes to be Elected to Legislature this Year as an Independent

Brenda Hutchinson has qualified for the ballot as an independent candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates in district 58. See this story in the Cumberland Times-News, which is a Maryland newspaper that covers the eastern panhandle of West Virginia. She was a Morgan County Commissioner 2006-2012. She changed her registration from “Democrat” to “independent” earlier this year. She is the only opponent to the Republican incumbent.

No one, other than Democratic and Republican nominees, has been elected to the West Virginia legislature since 1906, when the Prohibition Party elected a member of the lower house of the legislature.