New South Dakota Registration Tally

South Dakota has released a new voter registration tally. The percentages, as of February 7, are: Republican 46.24%, Democratic 34.72%, Libertarian .25%, Constitution .08%, independents 18.71%. Americans Elect has 7 registrants.

In November 2012, the percentages were: Republican 45.99%, Democratic 35.85%, Libertarian .21%, Constitution .07%, independents 17.88%. Americans Elect had 4 registrants. Thanks to Andrew for this news.

Independent Party Submits Signatures to be a Qualified Party in Hawaii

The Independent Party has submitted a petition to be a ballot-qualified party in Hawaii. See this story. Although the story focuses on whether former Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hanneman will seek this party’s gubernatorial nomination, the Independent Party may also serve as a vehicle for various independent candidates for the legislature and even perhaps for U.S. House.

Independent candidates in Hawaii face an unpredictable process for qualifying for the November ballot. Except for president, independent candidates must run in the August primary. They must poll the lesser of 10% of the vote cast for that office in all party primaries, or the number of votes received by the lowest vote-getting party nominee.

When a minor party runs candidates in its own primary, it is easy for independents to meet this primary vote test. Traditionally, very few Hawaii voters vote in a minor party primary, so if there is a minor party candidate for a particular office, that almost guarantees that the independent candidate for that same office will outpoll the minor party nominee, and then the independent can be on the November ballot.

But when there is no minor party nominee for a particular office, the typical independent almost never polls enough primary votes to qualify for the November ballot. Therefore, many would-be independent candidates in 2014 will probably not file as independent candidates, but will instead file to run in the Independent Party primary, because then they are guaranteed to be on the November ballot (unless, of course, some one else files for the same office in the Independent Party primary). Thanks to Independent Political Report for the link.

Ralph Nader Releases List of 20 Very Wealthy Individuals with Moderately Good Positions on the Issues Who Should Think of Running for President

On February 24, Ralph Nader released a list of twenty very wealthy individuals, who, in Nader’s opinion, would improve the United States if any one of them would run for President in 2016. Nader argues that only a very wealthy individual can break through the structural barriers that prevent most individuals who want to make real change from being competitive. Here is the essay, with the list.

Tennessee Green Party Loses Lawsuit Against Photo-ID Law for Voters at the Polls

On February 20, U.S. District Court Judge J. Ronnie Greer, a Bush Jr. appointee, upheld Tennessee’s law requiring voters at the polls to show certain kinds of government photo-ID. The case had been filed by the Green Party in 2013, and is Green Party of Tennessee v Hargett, eastern district, 2:13cv-224. The 26-page decision says that because the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Indiana’s photo-ID law in 2008, in Crawford v Marion County Election Board, the Tennessee law is also constitutional, whether there is any evidence that the law is needed or not.

The decision also says that the Green Party lacks standing to make some (but not all) of its arguments.