More Minor Party-Sponsored Media Ads Against California’s Proposition 14

An earlier blog post provided a link to television ads by the Green Party, and also by the Peace & Freedom Party, against California’s Proposition 14. The national Libertarian Party web page has this link to enable anyone to hear the Libertarian Party’s radio ads against Proposition 14. The ads feature two voices, first an unidentified announcer, and then the voice of Wayne Allyn Root. The national Libertarian Party contributed $25,000 for these ads.

StopTopTwo has this link to television ads against Proposition 14, which were created by StopTopTwo. There is a 15-second ad and a 30-second ad. Most of the funding for producing and airing these ads is from Christina Tobin, head of Free and Equal. She contributed $20,000. Californians for Electoral Reform contributed $2,000.

Intra-Party Dispute in American Independent Party California Case has June 8 Hearing

A California Superior Court in Fairfield, Solano County, will hold a hearing on Tuesday morning on June 8, in King v Robinson, 033119. This is the lawsuit filed in March 2009 over the identity of the state officers of the American Independent Party. The activists in that party who support the national Constitution Party are seeking an injunction to prevent the other side from holding the party’s state convention until after the results of the June 8 primary are known.

California is one of the states in which primary elections help determine who a party’s officers are. In the code section covering the American Independent Party, the law says the party’s nominees for public office are automatically on the state central committee. Also, those nominees for public office may appoint other members to the State Central Committee. The AIP legal structure also provides for election of county central committees, but county central committee members are not automatically on the state central committee, as they are for California’s other ballot-qualified minor parties.

Newspaper Story Suggests Independent May be Elected Governor of Maine

Foster’s Daily Democrat, in this article, suggests that Eliot Cutler may win the gubernatorial election in Maine this year. Cutler is an independent candidate who formerly worked for Senator Edmund Muskie as well as President Jimmy Carter.

Foster’s Daily Democrat is actually a New Hampshire newspaper, but it also covers southern Maine. It is considered a conservative-leaning newspaper.

New California Registration Data

On June 4, the California Secretary of State released new registration data. This is the first tally since the April 9, 2010 tally.

Since the April tally, the Republican, American Independent, Libertarian, and Peace & Freedom Parties increased their share of the registration. Independents also increased their share, as did the Reform Party and the cumulative total of other unqualified parties. The Democratic and Green Parties declined slightly.

Below are each of the parties, with the April percentage first, followed by their May percentage:

Democratic 44.57%, 44.49%
Republican 30.79%, 30.80%
Amer. Indp. 2.31%, 2.34%
Green .66362%, .66357%
Libertarian .506%, .511%
Peace & Freedom .3325%, .3333%
Reform .132%, .140%
other unqualified parties besides Reform .559%, .560%
independents 20.14%, 20.17%