Ballot Status Tally for President in 2008

Only three minor parties are now ballot-qualified for president in 2008 in more than 5 states. The Libertarian Party has 23 states, the Green Party has 18 states (plus D.C.), and the Constitution Party has 13 states.

Libertarian: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin. The party will almost certainly have North Dakota in a few weeks, as soon as the state verifies its petition.

Green: California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Carolina, Vermont, Wisconsin. Also District of Columbia. The party will almost certainly have Maryland in a few weeks, as soon as that state verifies the Green petition that will be submitted in a few weeks.

Constitution: California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah. The party will almost certainly have North Dakota in a few weeks, since it has finished its petition and the state is likely to approve it. It is possible New Mexico also recognizes the party; the law is very unclear.

Four years ago (just after the November 2002 election), the totals for each party were Libertarian 26, Green 18 (plus D.C.), and Constitution 12. Comparing ballot status as of mid-November 2006 to the past is somewhat misleading, unless one compares it to the same point exactly 4 years ago. By this measure, which is the most objective measure, the Libertarian Party is a little bit worse off than it was four years ago; the Green Party and the Constitution Party are a little bit better off than they were.

Technically, the Constitution Party is not on the ballot in California just now, but it will become re-qualified in February 2007 when the state does its next registration tally.


Ballot Status Tally for President in 2008 — 13 Comments

  1. The Maryland Green Party was asked by the State Board of Elections not to submit our petitions until December 1 because they have been swamped counting the absentee ballots. It makes us a bit nervous because they have 20 days to verify the signatures after which we can make a second submission. Turning the petitions in on Dec 1 would only give us 10 days after getting the results to turn in more petitions. The SBE said it would promise in writing not to decertify us on Jan 1 if we agree to wait, but we want to see the letter first before deciding.

  2. “New Mexico law is very confusing, open to interpretation”

    You’ve got that right – and they sometimes interpret it one way for one party and another way for another party. I could tell you stories that would make Jimmy Carter shudder.

    I think election law will be my focus for 2007.

  3. It is good to see what North Dakota will have another ‘organized’ political party in that state.
    Although I am not too suprised that it has gotten little or no press.

    The North Dakota Libertarian Party always came off as being the most organized (unofficially) of the third party supporters I have interacted with the the Fargo/Moorhead area.

    They did — not sure now — had regular meetings in Fargo and a newsletter. The web page used to have a message board but it got taken down (the entire web page).

    The problem was that David Helfter (who cofounded Friends of Democracy with me) died in 2004. He was very active in the party and going to college at MSUM to further help promote the party. The producer of the newsletter may have also moved on.

    Marty Riske was the state party chairman for a long time, and was even talking about running for office. But his wife died after a long illness and he resigned.

    Some young computer businessman was running the ND LP last time I checked. I spoke with him over lunch about a possible ND ballot measure on ballot access law.

    Then the question becomes; will the ND LP be able to poll the required % (5%?) in the next ND election to keep being an organized political party?

    In this past election, the Libertarian on the ND ballot for US Senate (as an Independent) got something like a thousand votes.

  4. I am very proud that the Libertarian Party is on the ballot in 23 states. Someday we will have all 50 “under our belt” or “bought and paid for” and we will spend every dime on advertising. In other words, once we pay the poll tax, I think this party and it’s philosophy will take off. It might take another 35 years, so pace yourselves.
    I am especially proud of our Libertarians in Indiana, Georgia, Texas and Missouri. Those states are “jewels” in our ballot access “crown” and I wish the other third parties “happy hunting” when the petitioning season starts again in those very tough states!!

  5. “I am especially proud of our Libertarians in Indiana, Georgia, Texas and Missouri. Those states are “jewels” in our ballot access “crown” and I wish the other third parties “happy hunting” when the petitioning season starts again in those very tough states!!”

    Congrats to the Libertarians on winning ballot access in these states. We Greens are particularly proud of getting Illinois and Massachusetts.

  6. iwould lke to get on the ballot for us president i am a democrat ,a windowcleaner i believe i have the
    clearest vision for the united states of america win lose or draw i9 believe i can make a diference and help all americans value their citizen ship klkuspo8

  7. i am seeking donations to start a web site once the american people see my clear vision candidacy they will know that the united states is truly walking in darkness at noon day the best way to overcometerrorism is tourism healthy compassionate capitolism if the people of iraq can get 50 bucks from a tourist they will turn there swords into plowshares put out the shingle and compete for the global dollars i also believe it is possible to create a global economy and bank where every person in the world can get 1,000,000.00 a year as long as they have some kind o verifiable job imagine a rolls royce in every drive way the globe can become one big disney land if the weathy empower the poor and the poor show more initiative my platform is a three fold approach to constitutional government
    1 education and housing
    2 strengthening america
    3. create an earth federation of sovereign states
    globalization is good if sovereignty is understood
    as the formost need of political entities i believ in a win win global economy a critical path to global weath overcoming the socialogical pattern of history we need to implement the excise tax asap by putting a moritorium on the current tax code itsa leap of faith americans can achieve a
    greater bang for their buck…klkusp 08

  8. Your a complete imbasil! Theres no way your “ideas” will ever come true, and theres no way i would ever donate money to you!

  9. mbl thanks for your honest opinon never say never only positive attrition will save the planet God bless you and all americans.. keith the imbacil

  10. i have heard mister keith lewis kunzler speak he is one of the most intelligent americans alive this mbl must be a bigot and moron to judge some one they have not met joe w

  11. hello i saw the derogatory remark about mr kunzler i listened to mr kunzler speak for an hour this man would make toast of just about any one he debated on the needs of the american people i believe he would be an excellent us president well worth contributions i am going to donate heartily to his write in campaign and hope that many americans will do the same hopefully we can hear him sing and speak on a nationwide scedule sincerely gs

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