GOOOH Endorses Ron Paul Ballot Access Bill

On September 24, GOOOH (Get Out of Our House!) endorsed HR 3600, the congressional bill to outlaw restrictive ballot access laws in congressional elections. Ron Paul had endorsed it on September 19. The bill has now been introduced in 9 sessions of Congress.

GOOOH is a new organization that wants to run, or to endorse, a non-major party candidate for U.S. House in all districts in the nation in 2008. This goal mirrors Unity08’s goal, except that Unity08 only wants to concentrate on the presidential election, but GOOOH wants to concentrate only on the U.S. House. For more information about GOOOH, see Thanks to the commenter below who corrected the web address for me.


GOOOH Endorses Ron Paul Ballot Access Bill — No Comments

  1. The only person that ever offers decent pieces of legislation that don’t infringe on my rights is DR. Paul. Our campaign is strong and the snowball is running down the hill so look out.

  2. Mike – Dr Paul is a major party candidate and he still votes in favor of this legislation so that the government is open to all people. Dr Paul is a man of integrity and probity that this country has rarely seen in over a century.
    Please Google Ron Paul people – America needs him

    I’m a lifelong republican male, 38 years old, Phoenix AZ…

  3. “Dr Paul is a man of integrity and probity that this country has rarely seen in over a century.”

    We saw this man of integrity and probity in 1988, when he was the Libertarian nominee for president.

  4. Well, now, let’s be honest here. This group is not out to endorse just any non-major party candidates for the House. If you look at their candaite questionaire, they are obviously some sort of libertarian/neo-perotista, they will obviously not be endorsing progressive candidates

  5. From a preliminary look at what they’re saying, I agree with Deran. Granted, this may just be because the Libertarians are indeed the largest third party in the US, but they do seem to have a very limited scope of people they’ll most likely support.

  6. Deran, Peter: is a new NON-PARTISAN political party that will only endorse candidates who have participated in the GOOOH system and have been selected by the system participants – regardless of their various political views. We hope that there will be 435 flavors of GOOOH candidates: one for each congressional district. For example, it’s very likely that left-leaning candidates will win the San Francisco district’s GOOOH selection process, and that very right-leaning candidates will win the Colorado Springs district. Whatever their views, GOOOH will endorse and support each of these candidates’ run for Congress with not just our website, but with the $100 million we hope to raise to fund their national election campaigns. The Candidate Questionnaire does not have ‘right vs. wrong’ answers – it is solely intended to concretely record each candidate’s views on 100+ issues (the questions are not finalized, and we encourage the GOOOH community to help us refine them by posting their opinions in the forum). Each of these GOOOH candidates will have been selected via a rigorous selection process in late 2008 by their district peers based on their answers to the final questionnaire (as well as intangibles like charisma, speaking skills, electability, etc). In addition, they will have signed a legally binding agreement stating that they will do the following during their full tenure in Congress: *vote according to their questionnaire answers (or as voted on by their GOOOH constituents via, *not accept any funds/gifts/favors from special interest groups or political entities (basically, their income can only come from their federal paycheck), *join or collude with any other political entity (they must solely represent their constituents, not political cabals). If they renege on their promises to solely represent their GOOOH constituents (the site will track this), they are legally bound to step down from office within 24 hours. GOOOH can be summarized as giving everyday American like you and me the ability to do 3 things we can’t do today: 1) Run for Congress, all expenses paid 2) Select which congressional candidates appear on our district ballots, and 3) Fire unreliable GOOOH Congressmen. Our sole mission is to put representatives of the people back in the US House of Representatives, and thus kick out the career politicians. I hope you all sign up and help us refine the system – and ultimately reclaim the House!!

  7. Ron Paul, by himself, is not enough, as evidenced by the current situation. GOOOH will identify 435 candidates, one in each district, chosen by their peers. If Ron isn’t prez, he will run against the GOOOH candidate as well as the other parties nominee. The best man will win.

    GOOOH is about identifying candidates that are not politicians who have defined their own platform, are selected by their peers, and are not running on the million dollars provided by special interest groups. GOOOH will raise the funding for its candidates. The voters will ultimately decide who the winner is, of course, in each and every district.

    You can easily support both Ron Paul (if you live in his district) and GOOOH.

  8. Tim,

    My guess is that you meant to write “the best person will win” rather than “the best man will win.” Is that correct?



  9. I am familiar with the GOOOH process. The idea of getting real, honest Americans into office to make good decisions for other real, honest Americans seems so simple it has to be a good idea.

    I think a good litmus test for politicians like Dr. Paul should be that they endorse a process like GOOOH.

  10. In these troubling times where our government has continued to spend more, deliver less and impinge upon the rights of the private citizen, I’m glad there’s a groundswell movement out there working toward protecting the vital virtues and liberties we all hold so dear. This nation is in trouble, y’all! We need action now. GOOOH’s plan is definitely not perfect, or even proven. But Mr. Cox should receive admiration and support from those of us who are disenfranchised by the status quo. Someone had to take the lead….
    To those dissenters out there….let me ask you…What have you done in the name of preserving our democracy lately?
    Go get ’em, Mr. Cox!

  11. Let’s hope this is a groundswell movement Phil. Our current leaders have evolved into modern micro mafias with each politician making decisions based on personal business ventures. Government officials have become quite grand entrepreneurs haven’t they. Must be nice to be able to place bets at the race track when you already know the winner aye? I have never been to a race track for the record………How’s Mike Vick I wonder?

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