The Florida Democratic Party is holding a state convention. On October 27, Mike Gravel became the only person seeking the Democratic presidential nomination who spoke at the Florida meeting. The other contenders stayed away because the Democratic National Committee asked all Democrats running for president not to campaign in Michigan and Florida until after February 5, 2008. All the other Democratic presidential candidates complied. Florida Democratic State Senate Leader Steve Geller thereupon withdrew his previous endorsement of John Edwards, and endorsed Gravel.
tune in to the debate 30 OCT with gravel – you will not want to miss it – web 2.0
Wow, pretty cool. Go Gravel!
Is this the first significant endorsement of Gravel? Reminds me of when William Wimpisinger, head of the machinists union, endorsed Barry Commoner and the Citizens Party in 1980…..more as a leverage tool against the Democrats than as a true pro-Commoner endorsement. Machinists had buttons that year that said “I’m Walking With Wimpy.” Will Florida Democratic operatives be wearing buttons now that say “I’m Going With Geller?”