Swanson v Alabama Secretary of State, the ballot access case filed in 2002, will soon be before the U.S. Supreme Court. The cert petition will be filed in a week. Printing costs are being born half by the Center for Competitive Democracy, and half by the Coalition for Free & Open Elections (COFOE). Thanks to all of you who have contributed to COFOE over the years.
The case challenges the 3% petition (for all new party and independent candidates, except for presidential independents) combined with the early June petition deadline.
Can the genius lawyers detect that —
SEPARATE ballot access laws are NOT EQUAL ballot access laws ???
I hope this law gets overturned, and statewide races have a cap of 5,000 signatures. If 5,000 is all that’s needed for an Independent Presidential candidate, why should more be needed for an Independent Gubernatorial candidate?
Part of the problem is that the court really seems to believe some things about elections and third parties that impact their views.
I read a good article about this that basically looked at the assmptions that the court has about elections, ballot access, third parties. etc.
I think i have a link on my website.