Useful Brennan Center Article about Deadlines for Independent Voters to Re-Register, if they Want to Vote in Presidential Primaries

On January 15, the Brennan Center posted a useful and interesting essay on dates by which independent voters must have changed their registration, in order to vote in 2008 presidential primaries. Of course, the article only deals with states in which presidential primaries are limited to registered party members.

Among the states that hold presidential primaries on February 5, these states provide that any voter can vote in any party’s primary: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee, Utah.

Among the February 5 primary states, these states let independents choose any primary: Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey (Illinois doesn’t have party registration, but records are kept of which primary a voter voted in at the previous primary). However, in these states, party members must stick to their own party.

Among the February 5 primary states, these states only let party members vote in primaries: Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Oklahoma.

In California, independents may vote in the Democratic primary if they ask (at the polls, no one will volunteer the information), but they may not vote in the Republican primary.

This post only covers primary states, not caucus states. States that are holding caucuses on February 5 are Alaska, Colorado, Idaho Democrats, Kansas Democrats, Minnesota, New Mexico Democrats, North Dakota. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link to the Brennan Center article.


Useful Brennan Center Article about Deadlines for Independent Voters to Re-Register, if they Want to Vote in Presidential Primaries — No Comments

  1. What is the bottom line for ballot access % votes necessary to get November ballot access for a minor party candidate? Does every state have to achieve 5% or can the candidate net 5% of ALL VOTES CAST and win ballot access during primaries?

    Yes, I am writing to inquire for the potential success of Ralph Nader for President shown on the November ballot for the Popular National Vote for the General Election. If he gets 5% of the votes, irregardless of which states net that vote, does that net ballot access?

  2. In MA unaffiliateds CAN vote in any primary on the party ticket for their preferred Candidate. I am voting for Ralph Nader on the Green Party ticket in Ma and am campaigning to seek the entire 49% plus 3% turnout to cast the good test that may net 2M votes for Nader in MA.

    Just a few other states offering 2M votes ought to land ballot access and allow the proper view of the third party challenge at the competitive footing of BALLOT ACCESS ACCOMPLISHED and for him to be able to run a competitive PROPER campaign without the media asking him what he is doing in the picture. LET THE VOTERS inform the media, this time, rather than the other way around, and after that is DECLARED then the media will behave, hopefully, willingly.

    The current astonished resistance is dumbfounding to me, but not an impediment, it is cause to push hard for honest litmus tests in every primary. Closed primaries where unaffiliateds cannot vote their choice is not a good litmus test.

    26 states allow declaration of party, and 35.5M are democrats, 25.5M are Republican and 20.5M are “other” registered VOTERS. (hello, supreme court–freedom to choose and reflect the truth of a majority should be of interest to the U.S. Supreme Court).

    24 states are ENTIRELY not registered in parties. 24 states.

    That makes a national majority of people not registered as either of the supposed two parties who are trying to prevent NADER from making the voting declaration that may well be a national truth. The voters do not understand.

    I am a degreed journalist, and have done volunteer petitioning for ballot access in MA, and I realize the voters horror that they were stuck in two boxes, both unwanted against Nader, and if they are lying, we need to know that. WE WANT TRUTH, and the way to get it is to open the voting to choose the preferred candidate of EVERY VOTER casting their ballot. NO VOTE should be railroaded against the voter’s individual truth.


    Independents cannot vote?

    Primaries should allow them to have one ballot with all candidates, and only one candidate should be allowed, of course. IT CAN BE DONE.

  3. The 9 party hack U.S.A. Supremes have built up a TOTALLY EVIL separate- is- NOT- Equal ballot access system in about 30 cases since 1968 — putting hugh burdens on third parties and independents.

    Good luck in trying to change the EVIL *system*.

    Remedy – P.R. for legislative body elections.
    Approval Voting for executive and judicial offices.

    NO party hack primaries, NO party hack caucuses, NO party hack conventions.

  4. The 5% requirement to qualify for public funding for the general election can be met, regardless of how it is distributed. It doesn’t matter which states achieve 5%; only the national percentage matters.

  5. Dear Demo Rep and Richard:

    Thanks for comments. 5% for “ballot access” success nationally, no matter what states, national percentage of the total, is what I guessed, is there a place to confirm it? I figure, ballpark estimates do work in these cases, because obviously national 5%, for Ralph Nader is a workable, potentially doable, very guaranteed success DUE during primary season, and needs to be achieved by maximizing the votes and turnouts for all states, is what I see.

    I liked this article, because, at least it is on target with the current status of independents, which horrified me, that the voters cannot choose to vote for Nader even if they want to, IN SPITE of the media intential attempt to pre-empt and dissuade as if there are only two parties, which there are NOT.

    Yes, the Greens need to wake up to the potential success available from the numbers regarding ACTUAL REGISTATION…they are in the favor of TRUE CHOICE and the constitutional requirement that should require the allowance of the independents to vote their choice and TURNOUT and DO IT!

    All 50 states! What would happen? IF they vote their HONEST TRUTH.

    Nader I believe with all the bullshit going on, would net 1/3 without even getting any of the media “consent” which is not necessary to vote.

    I would not bother to tell a staunch Democrat or Republican entrenched, how to vote. I would tell the “can’t be done” unhappy people not voting and/or independents to vote for Nader and support the Green Party ticket platforms, and especially Nader as potentially possible at the 5% due to the obstacles, but enough to force the ballot access and net the result of the REAL COMPETITION post-primary. End the underdog, national 5% would be good enough, but aiming for maximum is how to get that.

    It will net the momentum, that is where I am trying to go.

  6. In MA 49% are unaffiliated registered voters, in NJ 59% are unaffiliated. It is WATCH OUT DEMOCRATIC LIBELOUS UNDERMINERS OF VOTERS FREEDOM. People DO have the RIGHT to challenge BUSH outside the evil box. At a majority level.

    -Abolish death penalty
    -universal single-payer health care system
    –Repeal Taft Hartley Act and expand worker’s rights
    -Repeal Patriot Act
    -End the failed war on drugs
    -(I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS, BUT I agree with “tolerance”)Same sex unions-“rights”

    These are from a list summarizing Nader’s key highlights for 2008. There are more. Agriculture and local economies. End NAFTA and WTO and renegotiate to upgrade treaties and fix standards. He wants to raise the minimum wage to a “LIVING WAGE.”

    My thematic when I advocate for Nader’s success potential at a majority popular level is that “even the rich will still be rich, just not egregiously” EVERYONE will benefit, most important is the environment will be protected, and even the rich need that. The protection of the environment as a priority is something Nader has done and appreciates. Getting greed and profit corruption out of politics and even out of corporate taxes, is actually a benefit that is obvious to a majority, just not those who want the greedy profit at the disadvantage of the majority who are penalized for injustice. Nader understands why the constitution upholds a true democracy and that is what is ruined. When the constitution is ripped apart, the country is also.

    Voting is supposed to be for every registered voter to choose freely at a fair and competitive level, for their informed assessment of who is the best for the intended results for a nation’s will and upholding the public interest for a majority according to the constitution.

    We did not elect a king, and America does not stand for that.

    So, the “good fight” from Nader is on. Voters are supposed to rule.

  7. Actually in illinois it is strange,in that the primary is where you are considered registered for a party depending on which ballot you pick,and you can change ballots(and party registration)at every primary.but you are not allowed to vote in one party`s primary (and can be challenged) if you signed a petition for a different party before the primary(otherwise you are not allowed to vote in the democrat primary if you signed a republican`s petition to get on the ballot).i will be able to finally vote on a Constitution Party Primary ballot on Feb.5th,when I vote for myself for tazewell county board and then will be registered as a constitution party member(voter)

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