The Idaho Democratic presidential primary, set for May 27, only has three names on the ballot: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Keith Russell Judd. The April 9 issue of Boise Weekly has this story about Judd. Since then, other Idaho newspapers have picked up the story. Judd has been an inmate of a federal prison in Texas since 1999. He was convicted for sending a threatening letter and is not set for release until 2013. Thanks to Michael Thompson.
Idaho presidential primary ballot access is automatic for candidates mentioned in the news media. Others qualify by paying $1,000. Judd paid the fee from his prison checking account. Idaho Secretary of State Ben Ysursa has been quoted as saying that he may ask the legislature to make it more difficult for candidates to get on the presidential primary ballot. Ysursa also said he was “conned”, but even if he had known Judd is a convict, the U.S. Constitution does not permit states to bar candidates from running for federal office just because they are felons.
Why bother making ballot access harder? Does the governor honestly believe that this prisoner will actually be elected president and pardon himself?
Is this guy available for the California Peace and Freedom Party P2008?
Gee, elect him so he can pardon himself?
Maybe he can be on the ticket as VP?