Rasmussen Reports issued these poll results on May 18. One of the questions listed 4 candidates: Obama 42%, McCain 38%, Barr 6%, Nader 4%, undecided 11%.
Another question listed 5 candidates, with Hillary Clinton running as an independent: McCain 32%, Obama 31%, Clinton 22%, Barr 3%, Nader 3%, undecided 9%.
Another question asked whether the respondent felt about the chances that someone other than the Republican or Democratic nominee would be elected president in the next 25 years. 10% said this is Very Likely; 29% said Somewhat Likely; 52% said Not Likely; 9% said undecided.
This is the same sort of ‘national’ poll that over estimated Nader because they ask people in states where he is not on the ballot if they would vote for him. He will only be on in about 20 states and may not be on in states with enough electoral college votes to win if he carried those states. His refusal to run as the Green Party candidate has really made him a side note. The only reason I can think of that he is doing this is that for some reason he really wants to destroy the GP.
I believe that Ralph Nader could end up on the ballot of 45 states this year.
Isn’t it interesting that they only list 2 alternate
candidates & not Chuck Baldwin the Constitution Party
candidate who currently is the only known National
candidate. Should Bob Barr not gain the Libertarian
Party nomination this week-end in Denver will the
Rasmussen Report poll using the actual winner starting
next week? It looks to me, that to be fair, after the
Green Party holds their July convention in Chicago
Rasmussen should start polling on all 6 National
campaigns. After Labor Day, the alternate candidates
polling figures could be segregated by the states that
they have actually qualified for the November ballot.
Interesting poll numbers for Barr. 6% and the LP hasn’t had their Convention yet. I don’t really think Hillary Clinton is going to run as an Indy. What she might try to do though is, if not enough superdelegates go Obama’s way to give him the magic number, is fight this till the Convention and try to win there. She’ll try to use the electability factor there but we won’t know for sure. I don’t know what might happen at the Libetarian Convention but what if Barr doesn’t get the nomination? Not being a pessimist here but we all remember the 2004 Convention when Gary Nolan and Aaron Russo were the “front-runners” and one of them was supposed to win. Badnarik got it. I would like to know if it’s true that the LP still have a separate round to select the VP nominee or not (and if candidates like Root, Kubby, Ruwart and Gravel can be picked or if there’s a separate list of VP possibles).
In the past, the Libertarian convention (like all national presidential conventions) chooses the vice-president after the presidential candidate is chosen. So anyone can be nominated for vice-president after the presidential matter is all settled, and someone who wanted the presidential nomination is free to seek the v-p nomination.
How will lawyers do anything more than collect money for themselves for the purpose of filing these federal cases which judges will never rule in their favor? At least they will be paid for this junk they are writing! These judges are expert at setting up “straw men” and “knocking them down”!