On July 30, 2008, the Michigan Natural Law Party nominated Ralph Nader for president, and submitted the needed paperwork. Nader is now listed on the Michigan Secretary of State’s webpage as a presidential candidate. The Natural Law Party nationally went out of existence in 2004, but the Michigan party continues to run candidates and polled enough votes to remain on the ballot in both 2004 and 2006. In 2004 the Michigan Natural Law Party had nominated Walt Brown (Socialist Party) for president.
Congragulations to Nader and thank you to Michigan Natural Law Party. Nader had good early polling numbers there at 8-10% and I hope he can rebound to that level again.
If he gets on in Florida and New York then Nader is really set to go with the big states with the exception of Texas who obviously has horrendous laws. He’s easily going to outdo himself from 4 years ago. He seems really well organized this year. I’d love to see him in the debates but I think we all know its likely he’ll be shut out. Congrats to him on getting on in Michigan though. Thats another big accomplishment for his campaign after the California victory also.
Don’t forget to update the chart! Nader now at 12 and counting.
Nader probably won’t get to debate Obama since Obama is only going to participate in the three debates organized by the CPD. But that means the Google debate could become a Nader vs. Barr (doubtful McCain would join) event. In any case, I think it is still worth writing to them at:
by clicking on the “Contact Us” link. Tell them you want to see Ralph Nader and Bob Barr in their debate. With or without Obama, the show must go on!
Although I can post blog items from Europe while I am over here, I can’t update the chart. Only my webmaster can do that.
Just as important as number of states is the number of electoral votes possible. By my calculations, the numbers are:
Libertarian (Barr): 34 states, 379 electoral votes
Green (McKinney): 23 states, 256 electoral votes
Constitution (Baldwin): 23 states, 179 electoral votes
Independent (Nader): 12 states, 165 electoral votes
Is this a call for more liberal Chart Access laws? Won’t letting more than two access the chart only result in public confusion?
Nader is probably already “on” in more than 12 states. This is because the Nader campaign has submitted signatures in many other states already. They have usually submitted far more than the minimum requirement so they are “likely” already on in up to 25 states. 2008 will definitely be better than 2004 for Nader.
gotta love nader, barr, McKiney on the ballot here in michigan. They are vote takers from Obama
However Dr. Baldwin is vote takers from Mccain so it may even things out some
who knows
What about NY, Wisconsin, Kentucky, and Florida? Any news how things are going in those states in terms of getting on the ballots? Hope Nader & Gonzalez get more extensive media coverage.
It’s posted here on Ballot Access News that Nader will seek the nomination of the Florida Ecology party which has merged with the Nader’s Independent Parties in New Mexico and Hawaii.
Thank you, Natural Law Party of Michigan! Go Nader-Gonzalez!