British Election Shaping Up as 3-Way Race

After a televised British debate between the leaders of the three strongest political parties in Britain, British polls show a virtual 3-way tie for the upcoming May 6 House of Commons vote. See this story. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


British Election Shaping Up as 3-Way Race — No Comments

  1. The U.K. House of Commons was/is the source of the various EVIL minority rule gerrymander regimes in the U.S.A. —

    both houses of the gerrymander Congress
    ALL 99 houses in the 50 State legislatures
    many local govt regimes.

    Hope for a *hung* House of Commons — i.e. NO party hack seat majority (Labour, Conservative or Liberal Democrats)

    = HOPE for P.R. and REAL Democracy in the U.K. — to put major pressure on the ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander regimes in the U.S.A.

  2. There’s hope: The Scottish Nat’l Party, the British Nat’l Party, the UK Independence Party and many more 3rd (or 4th-5th-6th parties) often hold the balance of power in certain districts … unlike the USA, British voters have legit options and sometimes use them effectively. Most of our alternative parties can’t even get on the ballot (primarily due to election laws written by the political establishment, but too many times by inept 3rd party “operations).

  3. Well, isn’t the British National Party the racist, xenophobic, sexist, lets-bring-back-hitler Party? Gee, no thanks.

    The British public is still basically center-left or left in its politics and I doubt that is going to change. The problem with Labour is — mainly — with the Iraqi War and recent money scandals that involve both Labour and Tory MP’s.

    The Conservatives have got a youthful looking MP and have tried to present a more modern image on social issues.

    In terms of electoral reform, The Liberal Democrats have been pushing for proportional representation and did manage to get it adopted in the European legislative races and their is [because of their work] real talk about it or IRV for British elections.

  4. I wasn’t endorsing any of the parties which I listed from off the top of my head – my point was only to show there are indeed lots of parties to choose from.

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