On July 3, Fred Newman, the founder of the New Alliance Party, died. He was 76. See this story. Thanks to Nancy Hanks for this news.
The New Alliance Party made history in 1988, when it placed its presidential nominee, Lenora Fulani, on the ballot in all 50 states. The party also elected a Nebraska State Senator in 1988, although technically the election was non-partisan. Ernie Chambers was the New Alliance Party’s U.S. Senate nominee in Nebraska that year, and was a registered member of the New Alliance Party. He couldn’t be on the ballot simultaneously as a candidate for re-election to the State Senate, so he won with write-in votes.
–so what did Newman think of the natural born citizen POTUS eligibility issue? In 1988 Fulani was/is an nbc — upon information and belief.
The national independent voter legal defense fund is supporting state and federal litigation challenging the GOP/DEM control of SOSs/BOEs and FEC nationally.
The real majority party is the non-affilated voters party.
In part, towards this effort, on August 15 a trial/hearing is scheduled in NYS Supreme Court Kings (Brooklyn) County. Once the GOP/DEMs are removed from boards of election and judges removed from election law related court offices. index 11-6500
Pingback: Fred Newman Dies | ThirdPartyPolitics.us
Lyndon LaRouche is cackling, having out lived his fellow political cut leader.
what a squirrely group ………
Sounds like one weird dude…has anyone noticed that the initials of his party spells NAP?
I had no idea that these people were connected to Ernie Chambers… he is every bit as insane as he is intelligent, and a complete quack of a left winger. Makes perfect sense that IndependentVoting.org people would be connected to him.
It was about time….Fred was a walking tub of dog-shit, sorry it took so long, now I guess his hooker will be looking for another intellectual pimp Ms Folani
May rabid ‘possums gnaw Fred Newman’s corrupt ass to dust!
Lenora (Foolani) Fulani is now doomed to walk the earth with nothing to say and nothing to think, given that everything she did and said was dictated by Newman.
It was POETIC and POLITICAL that Newman, via kidney failure, would literally drown in his own piss…A fitting end to a political con man/pimp/psychotic.
Now the real comedy begins in the Newmanoidal asylum.
You won’t need cable TV anymore, as Newman’s women and wannabe commissars battle over the crumbs he left behind. There will be court drama galore. And poor Foolani will certainly find herself without a job in the end. There will be no more white master to serve.
I agree with Comrade Osei.
Newman’s internal putrification took to long.
That was saddening.
But there will be plenty of frolic in ‘possum land tonight.
Hardly “crumbs”, Wm Pleasant–Newman’s conniving girlfriend now is set to supplement her $300k/yr (cough) “job” with what is indoobitably a multi-million $$ estate.
When those shrimphead biotches get through with paying out legal fees for endless litigation, I doubt that Newmans bottom women will
own a pair of 99cent store panties beween them.
And poor Lenora Foolani will be given the chore of scrubbing the crust out of them if she is really, really lucky…
I was just thinking about thinking about saying that, you know?
Ha! Fulani and that In-DEPENDS Party are history. You think da billionayor mayor and the assorted low end outer borough omerta political hoodlums are going to want to sit down with those shrimpheads and negotiate for that line on the ballot? He-yell no, they only wanted to talk to the Big Man–those chowderheads will get eaten alive. Every two-bit political crook’s trippin over each other trying to be the first to snatch that party from Newmans drones.
Don Lake, FYI, not necessarily a unilateral endorsement // Jul 7, 2011:
Independent Voting
(See: Activist Center, DVD, The Neo-Independent magazine, and Talk/Talk …
the new mailing address for the west coast affiliate / branch / franchise of CUIP is now
701 Taylor Street #307, SF 94108
via Jason Olson, per usual ………
*eyes wide open*
if you hafta shake hands with these sneakie folk, count your fingers after wards ………..
Here we have the epitome of the Stalin School of Falsification in service Michael Bloomberg and any other monied class enemy who came Newman’s way.
Who wouldn’t fall in love with Newman’s cuddly ex-commies described in the CUIP web site? Hell, they’ve gotten beyond that ideology stuff altogether. They are pure structural reformists with not one microgram of an agenda. Right? Right?
Man, that’s so cool and post-modern. It’s like sitting around a campfire with the KKK, toasting marshmellows and grooving on Barry Manilow songs.
Where can I sign up?
You know, that is what I was thinking about saying when I was thinking about the end of thinking.
Hey guys I don’t like this bad talk bout Freddie and NAP guys those woman were very skilled at giving head and they knew how to relax stress with cow licks. Guys some of the best blow jobs girls were in NAP so people stop being so critical, couldn’t we all use a good blow jobs. I still support NAP and NAP forever.
Yo my man you too….!!!!! They use do me after I pasted up some flyers on light poles, in the hallways of buildings, that how I came to join their therapy group. Damn I missed NAP maybe I am crazy, but I really pretented to be really “off” just to my bald head and balls and salad toss. I agree LONG LIVE NAP LONG LIVE NAP And my balls miss, Ms. Fulani, that girl had skills and she told me she an NAP women munch carpet for her, former crack heads chicks. They were all walking tuds of dog shit, who gave great blow jobs. I know they remember me
NAP was okay, as it was only peripheral poontang.
But the real rockin’ went on in the IWP, especially
the central committee. My motions got seconds and thirds from the floor, the couch, the back of my car, Van Courtlandt Park, the lawn at Columbia…
Long Live the IWP!
It really was good for something, guys.
Wm P, I had always heard unkind rumors that their lobbying of politicians and political activists took place in venues well beyond the office and standard business hours. Any interesting stories and names to share on that account?
Bill pleasant an all you men were always unpleasant. even the dead can be judge on what they left behind. What will your orbit say *He was always an ass* that will be the best . I am sure unless you start to perform on the stage of history as Fred would say lol.
*Fred newman I will write that you were a useful tool for me.*- thank you.
Lawrence Davis
Yes Lawrence Davis, many found him a useful tool.
There he goes, into the dustbin of History! Good riddance to the manipulative, hypocritical charlatan! May he burn in hell for the irreparable damage he inflicted upon hundred of vulnerable, idealistic people!
Hey Lawrence Davis! I been looking for you many times. You well & around?
I’m in Port Chester 914.935.9790
Hope to hear from you, bro.
Cheers/ Brian Carter