Roseanne Barr has taken several steps to make it possible for her to seek the Green Party presidential nomination. She filed with the Federal Election Commission on January 25, and she has fulfilled most of the requirements of the Green Party to seek the nomination. She is a registered Green Party member in California, although she also has a home in Hawaii. One final requirement that she may not have fulfilled (so far anyway) is to have raised $5,000 by February 1. Here are the Green Party requirements.
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Hi Richard. What county is she registered in? Thanks as always for your work!
It is good news for the Green Party that such a well known and loved celebrity: Rosanne Barr is a registered Green Party voter. This would be Rosanne Barr’s first ever run for public office. She would be smart to run for U.S. House of Representatives as Green Party candidate first. Or perhaps even state legislature.
It is reported else where that the registered Green Party member Rosanne Barr also may have a new comedy TV show on NBC this Fall.
Either way the Rosanne Barr buzz is a plus for the Green Party.
Dr. Jill Stein, the Harvard medical school grad, housewife, and mother, has said publicly she likes the idea of Rosanne Barr’s involvement with the Green Party.
Dr. Stein would welcome joint Green Party appearances with Rosanne Barr, she said.
“The war on drugs is a war on poor people using street drugs waged by rich people on prescription drugs.”
Rosanne Barr.
It’s just true. And sooo funny.
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Would the Green Party nominate her?
The Libertarians had Bob Barr, the Constitution Party had their Alan Keyes… Now its the Green Party’s turn.
If you want to help get Roseanne Barr get the nomination, please go to your state Green Party convention and become a delegate to the National Convention in Baltimore July 12 – July 15 2012.
I thought that was Cynthia McKinney?
Let us pause now for a moment of silence in memory of the Green Party.
In 2008 when Angelina Jolie said she would support McCain, Roseanne Barr called her a racist for opposing Obama despite the fact that Jolie has black children. (Angelina has known the McCain family since she was a child anyway.)
Now, Barr wants to drive the first African-American president out of office? So who’s the racist now?
Or is this another case of the Left’s “Its not racist (or sexist or homophobic) when WE do it.”
Griffin–I couldn’t have said it better myself.
#9- Cynthia was a way, WAY more practical and viable candidate then someone like Roseanne Barr is.
In fact, Cynthia wouldn’t even dare do something like this-
I’m telling you Greens, you will hurt your cause with Roseanne waving your party standard.
Rosanne Barr could get elected, or run a very strong U.S. House of Representatives race as a Green Party candidate.
Rosanne Barr is beloved, and popular, American comedy sex Goddess.
To quote her.
Any attention Rosanne brings to the Greens helps break the media blackout of the Green Party.
Rosanne’s first race for public office should be for local county board of supervisor, on state legislature as a Green Party candidate. Both are races she could self finance, and learn the political game.
Yes Rosanne has been a great business woman. Super Hollywood success. Rosanne Barr should give herself a chance to learn the American political game on the ballot as a Green Party candidate for a few lower offices.
Then in 2016 perhaps run as Green Party candidate for President.
Applause for Rosanne’s courage to even consider being a Green Party candidate for any office. She is a patriot, and super citizen for stepping forward.
She will get more votes than Cynthia McKinney if she is the nominee.
I think she will be an excellent candidate, and she should be the Party’s preferred choice over Stein or Mesplay. We need someone with national celebrity status at the head of the ticket. There is no reason to pause and say she should run for a lower office first. The Party needs to sustain itself. If we can attract candidates who have a grasp of the issues to run for office at local, state, and the congressional levels, she can be a great vehicle for getting voters interested in the party and thereby perhaps learning more about the Party’s program through their local candidates.
#8: Thank you for chiming in with that. But you forgot to mention that what people need to do is devote attention to enrollment drives and petitioning their party officers to conduct public polls, and have actual Primaries whenever possible. The Green Party must be the party that functions through a true democratic process. It must reach out to voters of other parties, and unaffiliated voters. It must not conduct its business in a way that leaves the impression of an oraganization which is run by a central steering comittee without soliciting true substantive involvement from the public.
Your party’s funeral
Roseanne has every right to be on the primary ballot. Let her court Green delegates. She is an intelligent woman and, I believe will soften or alter some of her obviously sarcastic platform items including the use of guillotines and running for both Prime Minister of Israel and U.S. president.
Unfortunately, Roseanne did not get on the February 28 Arizona presidential preference primary ballot. But I am on the ballot and am hereby offering to give any votes I get to Roseanne since I do not meet the Green Party’s requirements to be a nominee.
Roseanne, you have any votes I get in four weeks!
I’m an unrepentant Nader voter but I find this effort bizarre and unappealing. Some Hollywood celebrity wants to run for President? Haven’t we tried this before (Ronald Raygun)? I don’t watch TV but what little I’ve heard about her (very little) suggests unfamiliarity with the job, to be polite. The real issue is the “election” is bogus, successful candidates vetted in advance by the military industrial complex, and anyone who thinks the “voters” decide probably also believes in the Tooth Fairy.
I’m not disappointed in Obama since it was obvious in 2007 he was just the “good cop” for the Empire, not a real “change.”
Sadly, the Green Party peaked in 2000 and has been barely functional since. I’ll be “voting” None of the Above this time since the Romney Obama choice is a false choice between two flavors of awful and the Greens are not a serious opposition to this.
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Dr. Jill Stein, the Harvard medical school grad, housewife, and mother, has said publicly she likes the idea of Rosanne Barr’s involvement with the Green Party.