Keiko Bonk, the Green Party’s First Partisan Winner in the U.S., is Green Party Nominee for Hawaii Legislative Seat

Keiko Bonk is the Green Party nominee this year for Hawaii House of Representatives, 20th district. The incumbent in that district, Democrat Calvin Say, is running for re-election. Say has been in the legislature since 1976 and has been Speaker of the House since 1999.

Bonk was the Green Party’s first winner of a partisan election in the United States. She was elected to the Hawaii County Council in 1992, and re-elected in 1994. She was probably the first person who had ever won a partisan election in Hawaii who was neither a Democrat nor a Republican. Back then, her name was Keiko Bonk-Abramson.

The 20th district is near the University of Hawaii and is the type of district which is often receptive to Green Party campaigns.

Filing for the Hawaii primary closed on June 5. As expected, no one filed to run in the Americans Elect primary for any office. No one filed in the Libertarian Party primary either. The Green Party also has a candidate in the State Senate, 4th district.


Keiko Bonk, the Green Party’s First Partisan Winner in the U.S., is Green Party Nominee for Hawaii Legislative Seat — No Comments

  1. Interesting to note that Bonk is challenging Hawaii’s entrenched Speaker of the House who has been in office in since 1977. I guess Hawaii is a state which is not interested in term-limits.

  2. Pingback: Keiko Bonk, the Green Party’s First Partisan Winner in the U.S., is Green Party Nominee for Hawaii Legislative Seat |

  3. Sounds like WV. I am running against a man who has been there since 1986. Third party candidates get no respect at all. We are seen as wackos who have a few screws loose.

  4. Pingback: Links 6/8/12 « naked capitalism

  5. I went on all the Occupy movements’ pages in Hawaii to let people know they could register and run as Americans Elect Party candidates relatively easily, but no one seemed interested, so there will be ballot positions that go unused.

    If you live in Arizona and want to be a write-in candidate for office, you have until mid-July to register with the Americans Elect Party, one of five official parties in the Grand Canyon State, and you can easily file a simple notarized form and send it to the Arizona Secretary of State’s office and you will be deemed an official write-in candidate. Under Arizona law, if you get a plurality of the votes — which can be as little as one vote — you will appear on the ballot in November.

    We currently have one candidate, Stephen Dolgos, on the ballot for the US House in AZ-08, and I’m running as a write-in candidate for the US House in AZ-04. It is easiest to run for federal office, either the US House or US Senate, because it’s just a small form and you are not required to do anything else. (You do not have to even live in a congressional district to run in it; you just have to be a resident of the state “when elected.”)

    It’s only slightly more work to apply to run for the legislature. Also, you can run for any local partisan office in your county or run statewide for one of two seats on the state Corporation Commission.

    If you know anyone in Arizona who wants to run, they can contact me or just do it on their own as Stephen Dolgos did. We are all our own supreme leaders in this state party.

    If anyone wants to register as a write-in candidate for the US House in AZ-04, you can run against me in the first contested Americans Elect primary ever. I am calling for someone to volunteer to be my opponent and beat me in the August 28 primary. I have tyrannical tendencies and should be stopped at the ballot box!

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